Would you mind sharing the full body of the task that pertains to this as 
well as the template file?

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 12:19:46 PM UTC-4, John McNulty wrote:
> So the reason why I tried using union was this github issue ( 
> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/7495 ) which implied it should 
> work (assuming the PR got actioned).
> But looking at the code ( lib/ansible/runner/filter_plugins/mathstuff.py ) it 
> doesn't look like that's the case as union() doesn't match what this 
> article (
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38987/how-can-i-merge-two-python-dictionaries-in-a-single-expression)
> describes as the 'pythonic way'.
> z = x.copy()
> z.update(y)
> So I tried to emulate that with ...
> with_dict: "{% set r = host_routes.copy() %}{% r.update(standard_routes) 
> %}{{ r }}"
> resulting in ..
> fatal: [localhost] => template error while templating string: unknown tag 
> 'r'
> I've also scanned all the Jinja2 filters ( 
> http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates ) looking for a potential 
> candidate and can't see anything that looks suitable.  
> I really am an Ansible & jinja2 pseudo-novice, so I'm kind of stumbling 
> around a bit here :)
> On Tuesday, 10 March 2015 13:23:49 UTC, John McNulty wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So here's the scenario - I'm given a data structure that when converted 
>> to yaml looks like this (names & numbers invented).
>> host_routes:
>>   route-oob:
>>     device: bond.123
>>     routes:
>> ''
>>   route-int:
>>     device: bond.456
>>     routes:
>> ''
>> I can use that with a template to create the network-script route files 
>> needed, that's easy enough.   But in real life there can be up to several 
>> OOB routes that this host will need depending on which datacentre / hall / 
>> security zone it resides in. e.g. 
>> standard_routes:
>>   route-oob:
>>     device: bond.123
>>     routes:
>> ''
>> I'd like to add these additional routes to the appropriate group_var file 
>> and then merge them together when creating the route files.   I can't get 
>> this to work though.  I've tried all the following:
>> with_dict: host_routes|union(standard_routes)
>> with_dict: union(host_routes, standard_routes)
>> with_dict: host_routes + standard_routes
>> and get the same error every time ..
>> fatal: [localhost] => with_dict expects a dict
>> Is there another filter or some other way of doing this?   I don't want 
>> to change the default hash_behaviour to merge just for this one use case as 
>> that has much wider implications.
>> Thanks,  John

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