Hi again.   Thanks .. I got so hung up on using with_dict I didn't consider 
taking another tack.

I'm reconsidering the decision to not to use  hash_behaviour=merge as that 
solves my problem + would also come in handy elsewhere, like combining 
default sysctl parameter changes with additional application & environment 
requirements.    If I don't then it would be an interesting exercise for me 
to write a custom module to merge dictionaries, or even add a new ansible 

Cheers,  J

On Wednesday, 11 March 2015 16:01:25 UTC, Jonathan Davila wrote:
> so I've got a working sample for you. This is the exact test I did.
> ---
> - name: Template Test For Route File
>   connection: local
>   hosts: localhost
>   vars:
>    host_routes:
>      route-oob:
>         device: bond.123
>         routes:
>  ''
>      route-int:
>         device: bond.456
>         routes:
>  ''
>    standard_routes:
>      route-oob:
>         device: bond.123
>         routes:
>  ''
>   tasks:
>     - template: src=t.j2 dest=./templated
> *and my jinja template file looks like:*
> {% if host_routes %}
> {% for k in host_routes %}
> {% for route in host_routes[k]['routes'] %} {{ route }} via {{host_routes[
> k]['routes'][route]}} dev {{ host_routes[k]['device'] }}
> {% endfor %}
> {% endfor %}
> {% endif %}
> {% if standard_routes %}
> {% for k in standard_routes %}
> {% for route in standard_routes[k]['routes'] %} {{ route }} via {{
> standard_routes[k]['routes'][route]}} dev {{ standard_routes[k]['device'] 
> }}
> {% endfor %}
> {% endfor %}
> {% endif %}
> *which should then output to a file called templated in your CWD*
> via dev bond.456
> via dev bond.123
> via dev bond.123
> Actually don't need the with_dict loop here at all.
> Hopefully that helps, let us know otherwise.
> On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 9:23:49 AM UTC-4, John McNulty wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So here's the scenario - I'm given a data structure that when converted 
>> to yaml looks like this (names & numbers invented).
>> host_routes:
>>   route-oob:
>>     device: bond.123
>>     routes:
>> ''
>>   route-int:
>>     device: bond.456
>>     routes:
>> ''
>> I can use that with a template to create the network-script route files 
>> needed, that's easy enough.   But in real life there can be up to several 
>> OOB routes that this host will need depending on which datacentre / hall / 
>> security zone it resides in. e.g. 
>> standard_routes:
>>   route-oob:
>>     device: bond.123
>>     routes:
>> ''
>> I'd like to add these additional routes to the appropriate group_var file 
>> and then merge them together when creating the route files.   I can't get 
>> this to work though.  I've tried all the following:
>> with_dict: host_routes|union(standard_routes)
>> with_dict: union(host_routes, standard_routes)
>> with_dict: host_routes + standard_routes
>> and get the same error every time ..
>> fatal: [localhost] => with_dict expects a dict
>> Is there another filter or some other way of doing this?   I don't want 
>> to change the default hash_behaviour to merge just for this one use case as 
>> that has much wider implications.
>> Thanks,  John

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