I was trying to script the usage of the windows DISM utilities via ansible
-- and ran into an issue with being unable to execute dism from within the
winrm context.  Apparently some varieties of rpc (which DISM uses
internally) are prevented from running from within the winrm execution
context ...  What this amounts to with regard to dism is that you can
execute the dism commands and they appear to work - but due to the obscure
way that some component within the process fail, mounting an image always
produces a corrupt/unusable mount point (Get-WinImages -Mounted always
displays that the mounted image "requires remount")

I actually couldn't find any good details on the topic -- other than this
blog post from someone who discusses the fun unnecessarily annoying details
associated with automating windows via winrm within the context of puppet:


And the workaround for the issue he came up with was to create a scheduled
task from within winrm,  then manually trigger the running of the newly
created scheduled task stashing away the stdout/stderr of the scheduled
task execution, then poll for the ending of the process created by the
triggered scheduled task, then lift the stashed output data back into winrm
context for continued use in the winrm context.

I adapted his script (
into an ansible module -- which works something like this:

(from within winrm context)
(1) generate a wrapper powershell script to invoke the module's command
argument and redirect stdout/stderr to magic file paths (module's command
argument is assumed to invoke commands which can't execute properly from
within winrm environment)
(2) create a scheduled task as a particular user configured to invoke the
powershell wrapper script created in step 1
(3) manually trigger the running of the scheduled task
-> causes a scheduled task to launch a process which doesn't have the winrm
execution restrictions
(4) poll for the end of the process launched by the scheduled task manager
(5) when the scheduled task process ends, ingest the stdout/stderr results
that were stashed away
(6) cleanup the scheduled task and generated files

Usage looks like this:
      command: 'dism.exe /Mount-Wim
/MountDir:{{sts_windows_image_mount_dir}} /index:1'
      user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
      credential: "{{ credential }}"
    register: image_contents
    tags: test

I wondered if anyone encountered this and solved the problem in a different
way or would be interested in this module ...?

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