git(or vcs of choice) is your friend! now that thats out of the way,

we keep different inventory files for some stuff, and sometimes a vagrant 
file with its own inventory as "dev/test" for smaller or personal projects. 
one folder will have roles downloaded from galaxy. the others next to it 
have be for their own sections instead of one big ansible tree for 
everything. for example, all the routers and firewalls are in their own 
tree, so if you want to look at the changelog for those, its easy. so your 
tree could look like this. if you want to keep them all in one big 
repository, you'll probably want git submodules.

 |  |--jcarmack.doomserver
 |  |--jdoe.ircd
 |  |--ansible.cfg
 |  |--inventory
 |  |--site.yml
 |  |--.git
 |  |--ansible.cfg
 |  |--inventory

On Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 5:15:38 AM UTC-7, Dick Davies wrote:
> I've had great success using Ansible to build up multiple environments 
> (devs, staging, prod) from kickstart to production, and I imagine 
> that's how most folks here would use it. 
> My current mission is to add some automation onto a lot of 'handbuilt' 
> environments that have grown up from scripts. As you'd expect, each 
> new environment has learned from the lessons of the previous one and 
> the scripts have evolved. 
> Unfortunately, that means each environment is different, sometimes 
> radically - not just in scale of a given service but often in the 
> presence or absence of it. There's a lot of commercial software 
> deployed too, which results in the inevitable "we don't have enough 
> licenses for $TECHNOLOGY to run it in all the dev. environments" and 
> more drift. 
> Basically "a maze of twisty environments, non alike" .. 
> I'm making some headway in getting inventories written up to at least 
> start to use adhoc tasks for some of the routine tasks. Next phase is 
> "roads and sewers" - fairly straightforward services that are simple 
> to setup but essential (e.g. NTP, SNMP, yum repos). 
> I'm hoping to tackle some of the inconsistencies with liberal use of 
> $inventory/group_vars folders to enable/disable roles based on where 
> I'm running. 
> I had a look around but haven't seen much discussion about 
> retrofitting Ansible to try to tame this kind of sprawl. Would be 
> interested in how others have tackled the challenge - "nuke the site 
> from orbit" and  "run away screaming" excluded. 

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