You can pass win_shell a chdir in the 'args' section as well if that helps 
(may not if a full path is needed).

Feel free to go back to your vendor and ask them how their automated 
testing works if its such a pain to install/uninstall their product. The 
only way we will get better quality installers is if vendors get badgered 
into making them.



On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 11:37:00 AM UTC, Gareth Stockdale wrote:
> Appears the vendor is not storing productID in the expected path :(
> ON a different tact to avoid the extra single quoting on the executable, I 
> tried obtaining the windows short path for the file.   win_stat does not 
> provide it.  So I ran a successful win_shell cmd as follows:
> win_shell: cmd /c for %A in (\"{{ uninstall }}\") do @echo %~sA
> args:
>    executable: cmd
> ...however in the stdout it is not returning the shorthand version like 
> when I do it manually on a dos prompt :(
> On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 10:32:57 AM UTC, Gareth Stockdale wrote:
>> HI Jordan,
>> Example uninstall path:
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\My Software\It Is Mine\myagent\uninstall.exe
>> The full command woudl be...
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\My Software\It Is Mine\myagent\uninstall.exe /S 
>> _?=C:\Program Files (x86)\My Software\It Is Mine\myagent
>> I will take a look at win_package but initial reading suggest I also need 
>> to find the product ID associated, so will look into that.
>> Thanks
>> Gareth 
>> On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 9:47:45 AM UTC, Jordan Borean wrote:
>>> We would probably need some more information and not just a blank 
>>> variable called uninstall. You can omit names but keep the structure and 
>>> arguments the same so we can see what exactly is the value from the 
>>> registry key. Are you also able to share the registry path you are querying 
>>> as you might be able to use win_package for this instead.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jordan

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