Hi Abhijeet,

It is showing the same output still.

Not sure where is the issue ?


On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 6:50 PM Abhijeet Kasurde <akasu...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi Siva,
> Can you please try with values like -
>     - name: integrate-new-relic-and-prometheus-with-cluster
>       community.kubernetes.helm:
>         binary_path: "/usr/local/bin/helm"
>         release_namespace: default
>         name: newrelic
>         chart_ref: newrelic/nri-bundle
>         values:
>           global:
>             cluster: "a"
>             licenseKey: "a"
>           infrastructure:
>             enabled: true
>           prometheus:
>             enabled: true
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 5:37 PM 'Sivaraman S b' via Ansible Project <
> ansible-project@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Please find the output.
>> ]# kubectl -n default get pods
>> NAME                                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS
>>  AGE
>> newrelic-nri-metadata-injection-job-4gsxp   0/1     Completed   0
>>   5h30m
>> *In actual helm deployment, it should show below PODS and daemon sets.
>> All are missing when deploy using ansible helm modules.*
>> #* kubectl -n default get pods*
>> NAME                                              READY   STATUS
>> newrelic-kube-state-metrics-774bcf5cf5-zhtjb      0/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure-246kt            1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure-cjrbs            1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure-klkv6            1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure-p8r5t            1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure-tlgm4            1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure-zbd2d            1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging-cm8gv                   1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging-dpcjw                   1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging-lgf6b                   1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging-pxgnq                   1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging-wh9qc                   1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging-ztmrs                   1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-nri-kube-events-86d68fd965-9xbrf         2/2     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-nri-metadata-injection-d7d676576-6d2vj   0/1
>>  ContainerCreating   0          7s
>> newrelic-nri-metadata-injection-job-pr6lx         1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> newrelic-nri-prometheus-586654b7ff-d229g          1/1     Running
>>      0          7s
>> # *kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep kube-state-metrics*
>> default        newrelic-kube-state-metrics-774bcf5cf5-zhtjb
>>        1/1     Running     0          47s
>> # *kubectl get daemonsets*
>> NAME                               DESIRED   CURRENT   READY
>> newrelic-newrelic-infrastructure   6         6         6       6
>>   6           <none>          72s
>> newrelic-newrelic-logging          6         6         6       6
>>   6           <none>          72s
>> On Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 5:02:29 PM UTC+5:30 Abhijeet Kasurde wrote:
>>> Can you please paste kubectl -n default get pods?
>>> On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 4:40 PM 'Sivaraman S b' via Ansible Project <
>>> ansible...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Abhijeet, Team,
>>>> Could you help me with my request?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Siva
>>>> On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 2:56:02 PM UTC+5:30 srisi...@gmail.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Abhijeet,
>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>> Please find the log below. Btrw, there is no error message upon
>>>>> running the playbook. But its not deployed the helm chart.
>>>>> <> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o
>>>>> ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>>>>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>>>>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o 'User="ansadmin"' -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>>>>> ControlPath=/home/ansadmin/.ansible/cp/e12395894d '/bin/sh -c
>>>>> '"'"'rm -f -r
>>>>> /home/ansadmin/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1617268607.9522765-6383-1146126971822/
>>>>> > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'"'"''
>>>>> <> (0, b'', b'')
>>>>> changed: [] => {
>>>>>     "ansible_facts": {
>>>>>         "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
>>>>>     },
>>>>>     "changed": true,
>>>>>     "command": "/usr/local/bin/helm upgrade -i --reset-values
>>>>> -f=/tmp/tmprp_GBW.yml newrelic newrelic/nri-bundle",
>>>>>     "invocation": {
>>>>>         "module_args": {
>>>>>             "api_key": null,
>>>>>             "atomic": false,
>>>>>             "binary_path": "/usr/local/bin/helm",
>>>>>             "ca_cert": null,
>>>>>             "chart_ref": "newrelic/nri-bundle",
>>>>>             "chart_repo_url": null,
>>>>>             "chart_version": null,
>>>>>             "context": null,
>>>>>             "create_namespace": false,
>>>>>             "disable_hook": false,
>>>>>             "force": false,
>>>>>             "host": null,
>>>>>             "kubeconfig": null,
>>>>>             "name": "newrelic",
>>>>>             "purge": true,
>>>>>             "release_name": "newrelic",
>>>>>             "release_namespace": "default",
>>>>>             "release_state": "present",
>>>>>             "release_values": {
>>>>>                 "global.cluster": " sample-cluster-instance-1 ",
>>>>>                 "global.licenseKey": "tempkey45878",
>>>>>                 "infrastructure.enabled": true,
>>>>>                 "prometheus.enabled": true
>>>>>             },
>>>>>             "replace": false,
>>>>>             "skip_crds": false,
>>>>>             "update_repo_cache": false,
>>>>>             "validate_certs": true,
>>>>>             "values": {
>>>>>                 "global.cluster": "sample-cluster-instance-1",
>>>>>                 "global.licenseKey": "tempkey45878",
>>>>>                 "infrastructure.enabled": true,
>>>>>                 "prometheus.enabled": true
>>>>>             },
>>>>>             "values_files": [],
>>>>>             "wait": false,
>>>>>             "wait_timeout": null
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     },
>>>>>     "status": {
>>>>>         "app_version": "1.0",
>>>>>         "chart": "nri-bundle-2.6.0",
>>>>>         "name": "newrelic",
>>>>>         "namespace": "default",
>>>>>         "revision": "1",
>>>>>         "status": "deployed",
>>>>>         "updated": "2021-04-01 09:16:49.648228551 +0000 UTC",
>>>>>         "values": {
>>>>>             "global.cluster": "sample-cluster-instance-1",
>>>>>             "global.licenseKey": "tempkey45878",
>>>>>             "infrastructure.enabled": true,
>>>>>             "prometheus.enabled": true
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     },
>>>>>     "stderr": "",
>>>>>     "stderr_lines": [],
>>>>>     "stdout": "Release \"newrelic\" does not exist. Installing it
>>>>> now.\nNAME: newrelic\nLAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr  1 09:16:49 2021\nNAMESPACE:
>>>>> default\nSTATUS: deployed\nREVISION: 1\nTEST SUITE: None\n",
>>>>>     "stdout_lines": [
>>>>>         "Release \"newrelic\" does not exist. Installing it now.",
>>>>>         "NAME: newrelic",
>>>>>         "LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr  1 09:16:49 2021",
>>>>>         "NAMESPACE: default",
>>>>>         "STATUS: deployed",
>>>>>         "REVISION: 1",
>>>>>         "TEST SUITE: None"
>>>>>     ]
>>>>> }
>>>>> **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
>>>>>               : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0
>>>>> failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Siva
>>>>> On Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 5:22:35 PM UTC+5:30 Abhijeet Kasurde
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Siva,
>>>>>> I am not able to reproduce any error, here is my output -
>>>>>> changed: [localhost] => {
>>>>>>     "changed": true,
>>>>>>     "command": "/usr/local/bin/helm upgrade -i --reset-values
>>>>>> -f=/tmp/tmp9iz7ys8s.yml newrelic newrelic/nri-bundle",
>>>>>>     "invocation": {
>>>>>>         "module_args": {
>>>>>>             "api_key": null,
>>>>>>             "atomic": false,
>>>>>>             "binary_path": "/usr/local/bin/helm",
>>>>>>             "ca_cert": null,
>>>>>>             "chart_ref": "newrelic/nri-bundle",
>>>>>>             "chart_repo_url": null,
>>>>>>             "chart_version": null,
>>>>>>             "context": null,
>>>>>>             "create_namespace": false,
>>>>>>             "disable_hook": false,
>>>>>>             "force": false,
>>>>>>             "host": null,
>>>>>>             "kubeconfig": null,
>>>>>>             "name": "newrelic",
>>>>>>             "purge": true,
>>>>>>             "release_name": "newrelic",
>>>>>>             "release_namespace": "default",
>>>>>>             "release_state": "present",
>>>>>>             "release_values": {
>>>>>>                 "global.cluster": "a",
>>>>>>                 "global.licenseKey": "a",
>>>>>>                 "infrastructure.enabled": true,
>>>>>>                 "prometheus.enabled": true
>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>             "replace": false,
>>>>>>             "skip_crds": false,
>>>>>>             "update_repo_cache": false,
>>>>>>             "validate_certs": true,
>>>>>>             "values": {
>>>>>>                 "global.cluster": "a",
>>>>>>                 "global.licenseKey": "a",
>>>>>>                 "infrastructure.enabled": true,
>>>>>>                 "prometheus.enabled": true
>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>             "values_files": [],
>>>>>>             "wait": false,
>>>>>>             "wait_timeout": null
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>     "status": {
>>>>>>         "app_version": "1.0",
>>>>>>         "chart": "nri-bundle-2.6.0",
>>>>>>         "name": "newrelic",
>>>>>>         "namespace": "default",
>>>>>>         "revision": "1",
>>>>>>         "status": "deployed",
>>>>>>         "updated": "2021-03-31 17:20:56.228572 +0530 IST",
>>>>>>         "values": {
>>>>>>             "global.cluster": "a",
>>>>>>             "global.licenseKey": "a",
>>>>>>             "infrastructure.enabled": true,
>>>>>>             "prometheus.enabled": true
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>     "stderr": "",
>>>>>>     "stderr_lines": [],
>>>>>>     "stdout": "Release \"newrelic\" does not exist. Installing it
>>>>>> now.\nNAME: newrelic\nLAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar 31 17:20:56 2021\nNAMESPACE:
>>>>>> default\nSTATUS: deployed\nREVISION: 1\nTEST SUITE: None\n",
>>>>>>     "stdout_lines": [
>>>>>>         "Release \"newrelic\" does not exist. Installing it now.",
>>>>>>         "NAME: newrelic",
>>>>>>         "LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar 31 17:20:56 2021",
>>>>>>         "NAMESPACE: default",
>>>>>>         "STATUS: deployed",
>>>>>>         "REVISION: 1",
>>>>>>         "TEST SUITE: None"
>>>>>>     ]
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Can you please paste your error message or console log?
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 4:02 PM Abhijeet Kasurde <akas...@redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Siva,
>>>>>>> Let me try to reproduce this and get back to you.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 3:24 PM siva bagavathy <srisi...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>>>>> Could you help me with the above-said issue please?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Siva
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 5:44:26 PM UTC+5:30 siva bagavathy
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to do helm install using Ansible Kubernetes packages
>>>>>>>>> with the Helm package manager modules.
>>>>>>>>> If I use the below command in Ansible shell, the helm deployment
>>>>>>>>> is a success.
>>>>>>>>> - name: install_nr_kubernetes_integration
>>>>>>>>>       shell: /usr/local/bin/helm upgrade --install newrelic
>>>>>>>>> newrelic/nri-bundle --set global.licenseKey={{ new_relic_key }} --set
>>>>>>>>> global.cluster={{ gcp_cluster }} --set infrastructure.enabled=true 
>>>>>>>>> --set
>>>>>>>>> prometheus.enabled=true --set webhook.enabled=true --set 
>>>>>>>>> ksm.enabled=true
>>>>>>>>> --set kubeEvents.enabled=true --set logging.enabled=true
>>>>>>>>> If I try to use the  Ansible Kubernetes packages with the Helm
>>>>>>>>> package manager modules, the helm deployment is not deployed as 
>>>>>>>>> expected.
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> - name: install-new-relic-bundle
>>>>>>>>>   hosts: all
>>>>>>>>>   become: yes
>>>>>>>>>   gather_facts: false
>>>>>>>>>   vars_files:
>>>>>>>>>     - test-vars.yml
>>>>>>>>>   tasks:
>>>>>>>>>     - name: integrate-new-relic-and-prometheus-with-cluster
>>>>>>>>>       community.kubernetes.helm:
>>>>>>>>>         binary_path: "/usr/local/bin/helm"
>>>>>>>>>         release_namespace: default
>>>>>>>>>         name: newrelic
>>>>>>>>>         chart_ref: newrelic/nri-bundle
>>>>>>>>>         values:
>>>>>>>>>           global.cluster: "{{ gcp_cluster }}"
>>>>>>>>>           global.licenseKey: "{{ new_relic_key }}"
>>>>>>>>>           infrastructure.enabled: true
>>>>>>>>>           prometheus.enabled: true
>>>>>>>>> As am not sure what is the issue and how to map / convert the plan
>>>>>>>>> helm install command to ansible kubernets/helm module, please help 
>>>>>>>>> fix this
>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Siva
>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Abhijeet Kasurde
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Abhijeet Kasurde
>>>>> --
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>>>> .
>>> --
>>> Thanks,
>>> Abhijeet Kasurde
>> --
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> --
> Thanks,
> Abhijeet Kasurde
> --
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