That worked great; thank you so much!

On Monday, April 26, 2021 at 9:03:19 AM UTC-4 Dimitri Yioulos wrote:

> Hello, all.
> It's been a long time since I posted here, so please forgive any posting 
> faux pas.
> I've created the following playboos:
> ---
> - name: report aws migrator
>   hosts: all
>   gather_facts: false
>   tasks:
>     - name: collect facts
>       shell:
>         cmd: facter -p fqdn processorcount memorysize_mb 
> blockdevice_sda_size blockdevice_vda_size operatingsystem 
> operatingsystemrelease is_virtual processor0 --json
>       register: facter_output
>     - name: print output
>       debug:
>         msg: "{{ facter_output.stdout }}"
>     - local_action: copy content="{{ facter_output.stdout }}". 
> dest="/Users/dyioulos/Documents/prodrept.txt"
> The problem is with the output to file.  Data are overwritten, and 
> information for only the last host the playbook is run against is 
> captured.  Additionally, i have to put any character here (denoted by ^): - 
> local_action: copy content="{{ facter_output.stdout }}"^ 
> dest="/Users/dyioulos/Documents/prodrept.txt" in order for the output to be 
> in json format.  That extra character is also printed, including if I use 
> newline) is also printed.
> Your help in soving this would be greatly appreciated.

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