On Wed, 15 Dec 2021 16:30:40 +1300
Lucas Possamai <drum.lu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Dec 2021 at 16:03, Lucas Possamai <drum.lu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> inventory file:
> >> [zabbixprimary]
> >> localhost ansible_port=2235 # zabbix primary
> >>
> >> [zabbixslave]
> >> localhost ansible_port=2236 # zabbix secondary
> >>
> >> [zabbix:children]
> >> zabbixprimary
> >> zabbixslave
> >>
> >> - name: Enable Zabbix HA - primary
> >>   ansible.builtin.shell: sed -i 's/# HANodeName=/HANodeName={{
> >>   ...
> >>   delegate_to: zabbixprimary
> >>
> >> fatal: [localhost -> zabbixprimary]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false,
> >> "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve
> >> hostname zabbixprimary: nodename nor servname provided, or not known",
> >> "unreachable": true}

It's not possible to delegate a task to a group. Delegate to a host
instead. Change the inventory. For example

  shell> cat hosts
  zabbixprimary ansible_host=localhost ansible_port=2235
  zabbixslave ansible_host=localhost ansible_port=2236


You should be able to delegate to the hosts. For example

  - hosts: zabbix
      - shell: echo OK
        delegate_to: zabbixprimary
        run_once: true
      - shell: echo OK
        delegate_to: zabbixslave
        run_once: true

should work as expected

  TASK [shell] *********************************************
  changed: [zabbixprimary -> zabbixprimary]

  TASK [shell] *********************************************
  changed: [zabbixprimary -> zabbixslave]

Vladimir Botka

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