Try starting with reviewing the problem the solution is trying to solve. 
Why does it have too be two tabs? Is it a technical requirement or just a 
preference? What will be consuming the data? Can it be used as two cvs?

On Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at 6:56:50 AM UTC-5 Aharonu wrote:

> Thank you. Even I am not much aware of Python coming in advance level.
> It looks like big task. I will wait anyone suggest us more better way
> On Wed, 9 Aug 2023, 17:15 Thanh Nguyen Duc, <> wrote:
>> Hope can help. I am not python programmer so code may not clean.
>> from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
>> import sys
>> import os
>> import csv
>> import xlsxwriter
>> import glob
>> import codecs
>> import pwd
>> import grp
>> def main():
>> fields = {
>> "csv_dir": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
>> "output_xlsx_file": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
>> "format_header": {"required": True, "type": "bool"},
>> "format_error": {"required": False, "type": "list"},
>> "format_correct": {"required": False, "type": "list"},
>> "owner": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
>> "group": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
>> "split_data": {"required": False, "type": "bool"},
>> "summary_csv_list": {"required": False, "type": "list", "default": []},
>> }
>> module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields)
>> wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(module.params['output_xlsx_file'])
>> format_header = wb.add_format()
>> format_header.set_bold()
>> format_header.set_bg_color('blue')
>> format_header.set_font_color('white')
>> f1 = wb.add_format({'bg_color': 'red', 'font_color': 'black', 'bold': 
>> True })
>> f2 = wb.add_format({'bg_color': 'green', 'font_color': 'black', 'bold': 
>> True })
>> f3 = wb.add_format({'border':1, 'border_color':'black', 'text_wrap': 
>> True})
>> csv_dir = module.params['csv_dir']
>> csv_file_list = sorted(glob.glob(csv_dir + '/*.csv'))
>> summary_worksheets = []
>> for summary_filename_csv in module.params['summary_csv_list']:
>> summary_csv_file_path = os.path.join(csv_dir, summary_filename_csv)
>> summary_sheet_title = 
>> os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(summary_csv_file_path))[0][0:31]
>> summary_ws = wb.add_worksheet(summary_sheet_title)
>> with, 'r') as summary_csvfile:
>> summary_table = csv.reader((l.replace('\0', '') for l in summary_csvfile))
>> summary_num_row = 0
>> summary_num_cols = 0
>> summary_columns_width = []
>> for summary_row in summary_table:
>> if module.params['format_header'] and summary_num_row == 0:
>> summary_ws.write_row(summary_num_row, 0, summary_row, format_header)
>> else:
>> modified_summary_row = []
>> for item in summary_row:
>> modified_summary_row.append(item)
>> summary_ws.write_row(summary_num_row, 0, modified_summary_row, f3)
>> summary_num_row += 1
>> summary_num_cols = max(summary_num_cols, len(summary_row))
>> summary_columns_width = [max(len(j), summary_columns_width[i] if 
>> len(summary_columns_width) > i else 1) for i, j in enumerate(summary_row)]
>> # Simulate autofit column
>> for i, j in enumerate(summary_columns_width):
>> column_name = "%s:%s" % (chr(ord('A') + i), chr(ord('A') + i))
>> summary_ws.set_column(column_name, j)
>> summary_worksheets.append(summary_ws)
>> summary_ws.autofit()
>> summary_ws.conditional_format(
>> 'C2:C10000',
>> {'type': 'no_blanks', 'format': f2}
>> ) 
>> summary_ws.conditional_format(
>> 'D2:D10000',
>> {'type': 'no_blanks', 'format': f1}
>> ) 
>> # Move the summary sheets to the first position
>> for summary_ws in summary_worksheets:
>> summary_ws.set_first_sheet()
>> for csv_file_path in csv_file_list:
>> if os.path.basename(csv_file_path) in module.params['summary_csv_list']:
>> continue
>> sheet_title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(csv_file_path))[0][0:31]
>> ws = wb.add_worksheet(sheet_title)
>> with, 'r') as csvfile:
>> table = csv.reader((l.replace('\0', '') for l in csvfile))
>> num_row = 0
>> num_cols = 0
>> columns_width = []
>> for row in table:
>> if module.params['format_header'] and num_row == 0:
>> ws.write_row(num_row, 0, row, format_header)
>> else:
>> modified_row = []
>> for item in row:
>> if ',' in item and module.params['split_data']:
>> split_data = item.split(',')
>> trimmed_data = [value.strip() for value in split_data]
>> modified_row.append('\n'.join(trimmed_data))
>> else:
>> modified_row.append(item)
>> ws.write_row(num_row, 0, modified_row, f3)
>> num_row += 1
>> num_cols = max(num_cols, len(row))
>> columns_width = [max(len(j), columns_width[i] if len(columns_width) > i 
>> else 1) for i, j in enumerate(row)]
>> if module.params['format_error']:
>> for i in module.params['format_error']:
>> ws.conditional_format('A2:S10000',
>> {
>> 'type': 'text', 
>> 'criteria': 'containing', 
>> 'value': "%s" %i, 
>> 'format': f1
>> }
>> ) 
>> if module.params['format_correct']:
>> for i in module.params['format_correct']: 
>> ws.conditional_format('A2:S10000',
>> {
>> 'type': 'text', 
>> 'criteria': 'containing', 
>> 'value': "%s" %i,
>> 'format': f2
>> }
>> ) 
>> if module.params['format_header']:
>> ws.autofilter(0, 0, num_row-1, num_cols-1)
>> ws.autofit()
>> wb.close()
>> # change ownership
>> if module.params['owner'] and module.params['group']:
>> uid = pwd.getpwnam(module.params['owner']).pw_uid
>> gid = grp.getgrnam(module.params['group']).gr_gid
>> os.chown(module.params['output_xlsx_file'], uid, gid)
>> elif module.params['owner']:
>> uid = pwd.getpwnam(module.params['owner']).pw_uid
>> gid = grp.getgrnam(module.params['owner']).gr_gid
>> os.chown(module.params['output_xlsx_file'], uid, gid)
>> elif module.params['group']:
>> uid = pwd.getpwnam(module.params['group']).pw_uid
>> gid = grp.getgrnam(module.params['group']).gr_gid
>> os.chown(module.params['output_xlsx_file'], uid, gid)
>> response = {"result": "file %s created" % 
>> (module.params['output_xlsx_file'])}
>> module.exit_json(changed=False, meta=response)
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>> main()
>> ansible localhost -m ncs_csvtoexcel \
>> -a 
>> "csv_dir=/ancenter/opt-tasks/TESTPROD/Monthly/Windows/Compliance/2023-06-05 
>> \
>> output_xlsx_file=/ancenter/opt-tasks/TESTPROD/Monthly/Windows/Compliance/2023-06-05/test.xlsx
>> \
>> format_header=true \ 
>> format_error=Non-Compliance \
>> format_correct=Compliance" \ 
>> split_data: True \
>> owner=ancenter \
>> group=ancenter \
>> summary_csv_list=Summary_{{todaytime}}.csv" 
>> csv_dir:
>> description: The directory containing the csv file with csv extension.The 
>> xlsx file will contain a sheet for each csv
>> type: string
>> required: true
>> output_xlsx_file:
>> description: The path of the output xlsx file
>> type: string 
>> required: true
>> format_header:
>> description: If true the header(the first line of each csv) will be 
>> formatted
>> type: boolean 
>> required: true
>> summary_csv_list:
>> description: List of csv files inserted in the first sheet(s) of the 
>> workbook
>> type: list
>> required: false
>> format_error 
>> description: high light the keyword in red
>> type: list
>> required: false
>> format_correct 
>> description: high light the keyword in green
>> type: list
>> required: false
>> owner: 
>> description: change owner of file
>> type: string 
>> required: false
>> group: 
>> description: change group of file 
>> type: string
>> required: false
>> split_data:
>> description: If true the data in all the data row will be split with 
>> comma delimiter 
>> type: boolean 
>> required: false
>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>> Thanh.
>> On 9 Aug 2023, at 18:04, Aharonu <> wrote:
>> Hi  Thanh Nguyen Duc,
>> Thanks for quick response. May I get that reference details so I will 
>> give try for my requirement.
>> On Wed, 9 Aug 2023, 16:29 Thanh Nguyen Duc, <> wrote:
>>> Csv i don’t think have multiple tabs. I have done with excel instead. 
>>> You can use j2 template to create a csv then python to consolidate them to 
>>> 1 file.
>>> On 9 Aug 2023, at 17:55, Aharonu <> wrote:
>>> Hi Todd and Team,
>>> Could you please help one below query? Thank you.
>>> Example, I have  *file1.csv *creates throught mail module as 
>>> mentionedbelow. I need to create 2 tabs (data-set1, data_set2)  in 
>>> *file1.csv* and update required data. How can I deal with this?
>>> Thank you
>>> - name: Send csv file to the user  community.general.mail:    host:     
>>> port:     subject: Ansible-report    body: Hello, this is an e-mail    
>>> from: (Jane Jolie)    to: John Doe <>     
>>> attach: ./*file1.csv*  delegate_to: localhost
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