Recently I received a response of the following:
<jar jarfile="web(jars/images.jar" basedir="${images}" includes="*"/>
which I don't understand the parenthesis after web in jarfile, and as I've already tried the includes as shown above, this still does not work for my problem explained below. 
Any help in creating this simple basic jarfile is much appreciated.
----- Original Message -----
From: G.L. Grobe
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 10:14 PM
Subject: creating empty jars ...

I get the following error below when trying to build an images.jar file within a 2.2 servlet web applications directory structure. The images directory is full of gifs and I'm not using any recursion, just all files within it the images dir. I'm sure the basedir is pointing in the correct place. I've tried many different basedir and includes but still can't get it right. The builder.jar works fine.
      [jar] Building jar: /u/build/web/jars/builder.jar
      [jar] Note: creating empty jar archive /u/build/web/jars/images.jar
      [jar] Building jar: /u/build/web/jars/images.jar
my directory structure looks like this.
 |     + classes
       + images
       + jars
--------- SNIP -------------------------------------------------
   <property name="nq" value="com/neuroquest" />
   <property name="images" value="web/images" />
--------- SNIP -------------------------------------------------
 <target name="dist" depends="compile">
      <copy file="./conf/web.xml" tofile="${web-inf}/web.xml" />
      <jar jarfile="web/jars/builder.jar" basedir="WEB-INF/classes"
      <jar jarfile="web/jars/images.jar" basedir="${images}"
--------- SNIP -------------------------------------------------

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