I don't put webdir under WEB-INF because that's not the way web apps are
deployed according to the 2.2 servlet specs. I don't believe you can access
anything directly under WEB-INF, which is why I place jars, gifs, etc
outside of this dir, just static content stuff.

Besides, it should work no matter what directory name I give it. Shouldn't
two consecutive jars work?

My directory structure looks like this.

 |     + classes
       + images
       + jars

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:35 PM
Subject: RE: creating empty jars ...

> First of all where is basedir?  Why not copy the web dir to be under
> ${web-inf} and then run.  Trying  to eliminate this.
>       <!-- IT WILL NOT BUILD THIS JAR-->
>       <jar jarfile="web/jars/images.jar"
>          basedir="web"
>          includes="images/**"
>       />
> TO
>       <!-- IT WILL BUILD THIS JAR  ;)-->
>       <jar jarfile="web/jars/images.jar"
>          basedir="${web-inf}/web"
>          includes="images/**"
>       />
> -----Original Message-----
> From: G.L. Grobe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:24 PM
> Subject: Re: creating empty jars ...
> This is nuts, ant is not executing this jar file. I've got both jars being
> created in a target and it only builds one jar, and not the other no
> what order their placed in. I've been using ant for over a year now, but
> will not build this one simple jar. The files are there, the dirs are
> ... !
> Any known issues I'm not aware of here?
>  <target name="dist" depends="compile">
>       <copy file="./conf/web.xml" tofile="${web-inf}/web.xml" />
>       <!-- IT WILL NOT BUILD THIS JAR-->
>       <jar jarfile="web/jars/images.jar"
>          basedir="web"
>          includes="images/**"
>       />
>       <jar jarfile="web/jars/builder.jar"
>          basedir="${web-inf}/classes"
>          includes="${nq}/applets/builder/**"
>       />
>      </target>
> > This is what I use for creating a webcontent jar.  (Changed for your
> > content)
> >
> > <property name="images" value="web/images" />
> >
> >  <jar jarfile="web/jar/images.jar"
> >        basedir="${images}"
> >        includes="**"
> >   />
> >
> > OR
> >
> > If you want the images dir in the jar (images/*.gif) change to:
> >
> > <property name="images" value="web" />
> > <jar jarfile="web/jar/images.jar"
> >        basedir="${images}"
> >        includes="images/**"
> >   />
> >
> >
> > HTH
> > steve
> >

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