CAn you please tell me the class files that correspond to the record task
I tried using the recorder classes and it still gives me  ...

/home/builder/ant/server/build.xml:62: Could not create task of type:
record. Co
mmon solutions are to use taskdef to declare your task, or, if this is an
al task, to put the optional.jar in the lib directory of your ant
installation (

I do however gather that it is a new task in 1.4 alpha ...do I have to
specify it somewhere ..probably in a property file ...or something like that
... ???

Viraj Purang

-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Trivial questions

--- Viraj Purang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Qn 1.
> If I have multiple targets in a build file , how do I send the logs of
> each one into a different file.

Use the <record> task, available from CVS, or pick it up from a nightly

> Qn 2.
> If I have multiple targets in a build file, if one fails the others are
> not executed at all, I do not want that to happen ... how do I stop
> that ?

Some tasks have a "failonerror" attribute, which can be set to
no|off|false. Check the manual for the tasks you're using that you'd like
to not have stop the build when they get an error to see whether they
offer that attribute.

> Qn 3.  
> [ CVS task question ]

Can't help you out with this one, since I don't use the <cvs> tasks.



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