Only to check if a property exists. Your tags are fine, they'll make
those if attributes readable!

--- Benjamin Russell Stocum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the Target tag, does the "if" attribute allow you to have a logic
> expression, or does it just allow one to check to see if a "property"
> exists?  Can I have a statement like
> <target name="someTarget" if="item.exists == 2">
>     ...
>     ...
> </target>
> I am currently using the tags as functions, is there a better way to
> do
> this?  And when do you know you should be creating your own tags? 
> Like
> for example I set a property if the file exists:
> <target name="fileExists">
>     <available file="${fileName}" property="${fileName}.exists"/>
> </target>
> Am I doing too much? I have lots of tags like this one... Is this the
> proper way to construct the tags?
> Thanks,
> -Ben
> > begin:vcard 
> n:Stocum;Ben
> tel;home:442-1316
> tel;work:383-3510
> x-mozilla-html:FALSE
> url:
> org:Paychex, Inc;Enterprise Development
> adr:;;911 Panorama Trail S.;Rochester;NY;14625-2396;
> version:2.1
> email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> title:Developer Lv 1
> fn:Ben Stocum
> end:vcard


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