> <patternset excludesfile="${build.local_excludes}"
> if="build.local_excludes"/>
> The above chunk does not cause a parse exception,
>It should, hmm.
You know I went back to it, and it caused a parse exception. I think the
difference was that if the file was not there, it would throw a file missing
exception first, before finding the parse exception. When the file was
there, then the parse exception would happen. But maybe I just missed it
the first time through.
>Maybe we should simply add file attributes to <include> and <exclude>
>and deprecate the includesfile/excludesfile attributes of <patternset>
>in favor of them? Looks like the cleanest solution to me.
I agree. I agree so much that I went in and modified the PatternSet data
type to support <excludesfile> and <includesfile> elements. I will post my
changes as a patch later today. Maybe you could review and submit them to
ant-dev for consideration? I see your name in the
file...:-) Or, I can make different changes to match what you think is