Assuming the following exists in your xml, for NT 4.0 (sp6), ant 1.3, 
java 1.3.1
I was able to run all three just fine.  Now, the escape target did 
exactly as I instructed it to which was to copy the build.xml to 
c:\Program\ Files which made a directory called Program and then a 
directory named " Files" (quotes used to show space) and then copied 
the file there.  

It does not appear to be a problem with copy so perhaps something you 
are doing?  I'd hazard a guess that the Progra~1 would be what you'd 
want to use.  If nothing else, that would eliminate a known space in 
your classpath (classpath error or path?) and you could look for other 
spaces with ant -debug.

  <property name="space" value="c:/Program Files/"   />
  <property name="nospace" value="c:/Progra~1/"      />
  <property name="escape" value="c:/Program\ Files/" />

  <target name="main" depends="nospace, space, escape" />

  <target name="space">
     <copy file=".\build.xml" todir="${space}" />

  <target name="nospace">
     <copy file=".\build.xml" todir="${nospace}" />

  <target name="escape">
     <copy file=".\build.xml" todir="${escape}" />


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael.Shamberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 2:29 PM
To: ant-user
Subject: RE: spaces and path definition

Here is an example of what I am trying to do:

<property name="db2.home" value="c:/Program Files/SQLLIB/cc/c2"/>

<path id="run.class.path">
      <path refid="vendor.class.path"/>
      <pathelement path="${basedir}/${}/classes"/>
      <pathelement path="${basedir}/${}/properties"/>
      <pathelement path="${weblogic.home}/lib/jConnect.jar"/>
      <pathelement path="${db2.home}/"/>
      <path refid="lib.class.path"/>
      <path refid="java.class.path"/>

Then, when I start weblogic with wlrun I am getting an error due to 
space in
the classpath

Michael Shamberger
Release Engineer
[415-344-9338 -W]
[415-290-0428 -C ]

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