--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
> >   <include name="ApacheJServ/**/*.java"/>
> >   <include name="HTTPClient/**/*.java"/>
> >   <include name="dnsjava/**/*.java"/>
> >   <include name="ecs/src/java/**/*.java"/>
> > </fileset>
> Hello Diane,
> The problem with this is that when you surround those filesets with a
> copy task (as above) the new dir structure will include
> ...ApacheJServ/..., ...HTTPClient/...., etc.
> I am trying to only copy all dirs and .java files below those
> directories, and exclude the directories themselves...
> Is that possible?

You could add a <mapper> after the <fileset> end-tag to strip off the
first directory element:

      <mapper type="regexp" from="^[\w]+[/\\](.*\.java)" to="\1"/>



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