----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 6:03 AM
Subject: how to reduce the number of filesets in copy task

> Hello,
> I was wondering if the following can be simplified.
> Can all these fileset tasks can be merged into one while still achieving
the same effect?
> I thought maybe someone on the list may know...
>     <target name="compile" depends="init">
>         <!-- Copy all the sources to the $build.src directory -->
>         <copy todir="${build.src}" preservelastmodified="yes">
>             <fileset dir="${src.dir}/ApacheJServ"
>              includes="**/*.java"/>
>             <fileset dir="${src.dir}/HTTPClient"
>              includes="**/*.java"/>
>             <fileset dir="${src.dir}/dnsjava"
>              includes="**/*.java"/>
>             <fileset dir="${src.dir}/ecs/src/java"
>              includes="**/*.java"/>
>         </copy>
> Thank you,
> Otis
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