Hi Diane,

 Thank you to have the time to help me...

  Well the first thing you are mentioning about, why I
didn't use de ejbc bside the java, it was because when
I first take a look to Ant, I didn't undestand many
things about it, I've never worked with a deploy
before, so I asked to all the list members and kindly
you answer my questions, there were many replies using
the ejbc, java, etc, and only the java seems to worked
perfectly, so I start to use it, this are the lines
used to my <java> task after making the jar with a
<jar> task:

<java classname="weblogic.ejbc" fork="yes">
      <arg line="-compiler javac ${DEST}/EJBTEMP.jar
        <pathelement path="${CLASSPATHRec}"/>

  this worked for me, at the moment.. but some times
when I tried to run the <java> task with all this, a
message of error show up, telling me, there is a
missing file in the jar EJBTEMP.jar(e.g.), so when I
put into the jar with a <fileset> task the missing
file, the problem seems to be resolved, this has not
been a good practice, coz I make a big jar file, when
it really needs only a few files in there, and the
rest of the files need it are in a previous jar file.

  That was why I was looking the way to tell my <jar>
task to use a classpath an tell it there is a jar file
which has already the file of other module that it

  I thing maybe is not the classpath in a jar task
where it be, bside that, it has to be in the <java>
task, as you see I'm using a classpath definition in
my java task, but it seems that the java task doesn't
care about it.

        <pathelement path="${CLASSPATHRec}"/>

CLASSPATHRec property--> has different jars in it..
here is fragment of the line:

<property name="CLASSPATHRec"

  Where DIR_JARS has the jars from different modules
wich the jar to be created need.

  and for the last.... here it is a fragment of my
<jar> task, which had included all the files need to
make the error gone:

<jar jarfile="${DEST}/fachadaReglasEJBTEMP.jar">
   <fileset dir="${PATH_ArqEJBReg}/util/">
      <include name="util/MappingValue.class"/>

   <fileset dir="${PATH_ArqEJBReg}/EJB/">
      <include name="EJB/FachadaGeneralHome.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/FachadaGeneral.class"/>

   <fileset dir="${PATH_CatEJBReg}/EJB/">
      <include name="EJB/CatalogosHome.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/Catalogos.class"/>

   <fileset dir="${PATH_ExEJBReg}/EJB/">
      <include name="EJB/ReglasComercial.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/ReglasComercialBean.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/FachadaComercialHome.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/ManagerDespachador.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/ManagerReglasHome.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/ManagerImpuestosHome.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/InformacionValue.class"/>
      <include name="EJB/BloquesValue.class"/>
      <include name="exce/Excepcio.class"/>           

      <include name="excep/Excepcionacion.class"/>

   <fileset dir="${RUTA_PADRE}/">
      <include name="swing/FactorCboValue.class"/>

   <fileset dir="${PATH_ExEJBReg}/EJB/">
      <include name="META-INF/*.xml"/>

  Some files, for example in the big <fileset> task,
it must not go there, coz those files are already
compiled in a jar called RulesEJB.jar

  I Hope hasn't bored you and give you view of what is
my problem...

  Thank you very much for all your help




"Puedes sentirte desilusionado si fallas, pero estás condenado si no lo intentas."

"You can get disappointed if you fail down, but you are doomed if you do not try it."

ICQ #  22338121

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