Your <fileset>'s in your <jar> task look like they're probably wrong. You have: > <fileset dir="${PATH_ArqEJBReg}/util/"> > <include name="util/MappingValue.class"/> > </fileset> which would have it looking for: ${PATH_ArqEJBReg}/util/util/MappingValue.class which probably isn't what you want. That's true for all your <fileset>'s. You should either not include that final subdir in the "dir" attribute, or not include it in the <include>'s -- which you choose to do will depend on whether you want the files in your jar-file to include the subdir or just be the name of the file.
Once you get the <jar> task fixed, if your <java> task still has trouble, try running 'ant -verbose' so you can see what the actual 'java' command-line looks like and verify that all the jars you've specified for the classpath are getting included. Diane --- Vincent Croft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi Diane, > > Thank you to have the time to help me... > > Well the first thing you are mentioning about, why I > didn't use de ejbc bside the java, it was because when > I first take a look to Ant, I didn't undestand many > things about it, I've never worked with a deploy > before, so I asked to all the list members and kindly > you answer my questions, there were many replies using > the ejbc, java, etc, and only the java seems to worked > perfectly, so I start to use it, this are the lines > used to my <java> task after making the jar with a > <jar> task: > > <java classname="weblogic.ejbc" fork="yes"> > <arg line="-compiler javac ${DEST}/EJBTEMP.jar > ${DEST}/recEJB.jar"/> > <classpath> > <pathelement path="${CLASSPATHRec}"/> > </classpath> > </java> > > this worked for me, at the moment.. but some times > when I tried to run the <java> task with all this, a > message of error show up, telling me, there is a > missing file in the jar EJBTEMP.jar(e.g.), so when I > put into the jar with a <fileset> task the missing > file, the problem seems to be resolved, this has not > been a good practice, coz I make a big jar file, when > it really needs only a few files in there, and the > rest of the files need it are in a previous jar file. > > That was why I was looking the way to tell my <jar> > task to use a classpath an tell it there is a jar file > which has already the file of other module that it > needs. > > I thing maybe is not the classpath in a jar task > where it be, bside that, it has to be in the <java> > task, as you see I'm using a classpath definition in > my java task, but it seems that the java task doesn't > care about it. > > <classpath> > <pathelement path="${CLASSPATHRec}"/> > </classpath> > > CLASSPATHRec property--> has different jars in it.. > here is fragment of the line: > > <property name="CLASSPATHRec" > Value="${DIR_JARS}/segUtil.jar;${DIR_JARS}/arqUtil.jar......;d:/j2sdkee1.2.1/lib/j2ee.jar;%CLASSPATH%"/> > > Where DIR_JARS has the jars from different modules > wich the jar to be created need. > > > and for the last.... here it is a fragment of my > <jar> task, which had included all the files need to > make the error gone: > > > <jar jarfile="${DEST}/fachadaReglasEJBTEMP.jar"> > <fileset dir="${PATH_ArqEJBReg}/util/"> > <include name="util/MappingValue.class"/> > </fileset> > > <fileset dir="${PATH_ArqEJBReg}/EJB/"> > <include name="EJB/FachadaGeneralHome.class"/> > <include name="EJB/FachadaGeneral.class"/> > </fileset> > > <fileset dir="${PATH_CatEJBReg}/EJB/"> > <include name="EJB/CatalogosHome.class"/> > <include name="EJB/Catalogos.class"/> > </fileset> > > <fileset dir="${PATH_ExEJBReg}/EJB/"> > <include name="EJB/ReglasComercial.class"/> > <include name="EJB/ReglasComercialBean.class"/> > <include name="EJB/FachadaComercialHome.class"/> > <include name="EJB/ManagerDespachador.class"/> > <include name="EJB/ManagerReglasHome.class"/> > <include name="EJB/ManagerImpuestosHome.class"/> > <include name="EJB/InformacionValue.class"/> > <include name="EJB/BloquesValue.class"/> > <include name="exce/Excepcio.class"/> > > <include name="excep/Excepcionacion.class"/> > </fileset> > > <fileset dir="${RUTA_PADRE}/"> > <include name="swing/FactorCboValue.class"/> > </fileset> > > <fileset dir="${PATH_ExEJBReg}/EJB/"> > <include name="META-INF/*.xml"/> > </fileset> > </jar> > > Some files, for example in the big <fileset> task, > it must not go there, coz those files are already > compiled in a jar called RulesEJB.jar > > > > I Hope hasn't bored you and give you view of what is > my problem... > > Thank you very much for all your help > > VIN > > ===== > > _________________________________________________________________ > > "Puedes sentirte desilusionado si fallas, pero estás condenado si no lo > intentas." > > "You can get disappointed if you fail down, but you are doomed if you do > not try it." > > ICQ # 22338121 > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. > ===== ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.