Mercado, Tony wrote:

> Has anyone seen this message at the bottom before?
>          [ejbjar] Could not fully load class
> for super class check

You are referring to these messages, I presume. They are warnings (I 
should change that to make that clear). Basically what is happening is 
that Ant is trying to find out if your bean classes are derived from 
other classes and to also include those classes into the jar it feeds 
into weblogic.ejbc. To do that it loads the class and introspects it. To 
load the class, the class and all its dependencies needs to be on the 
classpath given to the <weblogic> element. If they are not, the class 
cannot be loaded by the VM and the check cannot be done. In that case on 
the classfile is added to the jar.

In Ant 1.5, we are going to change this mechanism so that the dependent 
classes (not just super classes) are loaded up by directly examining the 
classfile and not ny introspection. In the meantime, you'll need to 
adjust your classpath. Running ant with the -debug flag may give more 
information about exactly what is missing (not sure).


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