On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 09:36:39PM +1100, Jeff Turner wrote:
> I was wondering, how do people feel about developing "common",
> "universal", "generic" build.xml scripts for common needs?
i've had this exact need.

> My very first build.xml was copied from an Apache project, and hacked to
> meet my needs. Subsequent projects were all cut-and-paste affairs. Over
> time, as I noticed that most projects are pretty similar, I formalized
> this by creating a "generic" build.xml, and an associated template
> project structure.
guess what i did this weekend :) my idea was to also supply
a skeleton generator, which would prompt for some
project-specific information, and perform mangling of the
template (token substitution), the end result being a
compilable skeleton app.

> Of course, what constitutes a "good" build.xml is extremely subjective,
> and even if the scope is strictly regulated I doubt we could reach
> "consensus". Multiple solutions are fine with me. But *whatever* we can
> achieve together is better than what we can achieve independently.
i think we should focus on the ultimate goal, which as i see
it woudl be is creating a userfriendly framework for providing seamless, 
no-effort builds of redistributable distributions.

anything not contributing to this would be out of scope.

> Main targets:
>  clean          Cleans the build result.
>  compile        Compiles the source code
>  compile-tests  Compile the unit tests
>  dist           Create a distribution with documentation
>  dist.lite      Create a minimal distribution with no documentation
>  dist.tgz       Creates a .tar.gz distribution
>  dist.zip       Creates a zipped distribution
>  docs           Build the non-javadoc docs
>  jar            Creates a jar of the code
>  javadocs       Creates the API documentation
>  main           Main (default) target
>  prepare        Prepare the directories
>  prepare-tests  Create minimal unit test directories
>  test           Run the unit tests
>  test-report    Run the unit tests and generate HTML reports

one addition i'd want:

                - download application build dependencies
                  used Debian Linux's apt-get build? the
                  very same idea.

the reason being that i don't generally put JARs except
required to bootstrap the build system into
source control systems, being of the pristine source


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