I'm curious what you're trying to do. Three pattern that involve looping are 1) doing 
something for each element of a set, 2)
repeating some action indefinitely, 3) computing something iteratively (e.g. solving 
for a polynomial root using the Laplace
algorithm). Ant definitely is not suited for 2) and 3), unless you write your own 
script or task. Ant can do 1) for a set of
files that match a pattern. You can also chain a style task with an ant task to do 1) 
for a set that can be expressed with
XPath, but that involves using XSLT.

Rubun Tang wrote:

> Hi *,
> I am sure this question has been asked before. But I couldn't find it in the
> archive.
> What I want to know is: Is there an ant task that do looping? Basically I am
> looking for something like this:
> <for ...>
>         stuff that I want to do within a loop
> </for>
> or
> <while>
>         ...
> </while>
> Any help is appreciated. TIA
> Rubun Tang
> Associate Software Engineer
> Algorithmics Inc.
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