--- Beat Mr Beat je vous prie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to pass args to ant for it to pass them to my main class.
> Of course <arg></arg> tags are great.
> I've also testes 'ant -Dname=val' syntax.

Try 'ant -Dargs="file1 file2 ... filen" myexec', not a -D for each arg.
> so... something like this :
>   <target name="myexec"> 
>     <java classname="packageA.packageB.Main">
>       <arg line=${*}/>        <!-- H E R E --> 
>       <classpath>
>      <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
>       </classpath>
>     </java>
>   </target>

And change "${*}" to "${args}".



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