--- Beat Mr Beat je vous prie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still have trouble.
> command :
>  ant myexec -Dargs="~/logs/helloClient_Ctrace.xml"
> My error message :
> /home/promo-2002/parradel/CorbaTrace/build.xml:93:
> java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking
> org/xml/sax/Parser class
> where line 93 is     <java classname="mypackage.Main">
> and whole task is :
>   <target name="myexec"> 
>     <java classname="mypackage.Main">
>     <arg line="${args}"/>
>     <classpath>
>         <pathelement location="${jar}"/>
>      <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
>      <pathelement path="${parserSax}"/>
>     </classpath>
>     </java>
>   </target>
> Any idea ?

Can't say for sure, since I don't know much about the Java "loader" stuff,
but I'm going to guess that adding fork="true" might help.



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