I can't confirm that Class-Path is needed first, but I can confirm that
ant 1.4.1 scrambles the order of entries in the Manifest. This has
caused me problems to such a degree, that I just went back to using ant
1.3. I posted a message about it a few days ago, I didn't get a
response, and haven't had time to get back to it.

The bug seems to be that ant rearranges. 


-----Original Message----- 
From: Paul Cody [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 2:12 PM 
To: 'Ant Users List' 
Subject: RE: Using Main-Class and Class-Path in a manifest file 

Hmm.  Sounds interesting.  I had a look at 
org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Manifest to see what I could see.  

-- A Manifest object contains a set of Section object keyed by name 
-- A Section contains a set of Attribute objects, keyed by 
-- Both mappings use java.util.Hashtable to maintain the String:Object 

There is no code that I could see which sorts the attributes in a
upon writing, so the order will be that imposed by the hashCode values
the keys.  Indeed, running the simple test program test.java: 

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