On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 02:44:04PM -0800, David M. Karr wrote:
>  My missing element was putting junit.jar in the $ANT_HOME/lib
> directory.  This appears to be one of those "you should have known
> that".  The documentation (AFAICT) doesn't state this directly. 

Agreed!  This hosed me too when I first tried to use the junit task.

I'll add a paragraph

<p>Note: In order to use this task, you must place
<code>junit.jar</code> in your <code>$ANT_HOME/lib</code>

to junit.html in the docs directory.

Since I've never committed to Ant before, I'm cc'ing ant-dev -- don't
want to ruffle any antennae here -- anyone who wants to stop me,
please send me a personal email with your -1 and I'll roll it back.

 - A

Alex Chaffee                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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