Hi everyone, 

I have some java code that references file paths from a .properties file.  I'm 
currently using ant to do some token replacement based on absolute paths, and it is 
causing some troubles when running from NT.  

For instance, I have a foo.property file:


and java code:
        String execPath = System.getProperties().getProperty("some.exec.path");
        System.out.println("I am about to Runtime.exec(" + execPath + ")");

and my ant script:

        <property name="my.bin.dir" value="${basedir}/deploy/bin"/>

        <replace file="foo.property">
                <replacefilter token="@SOME_TOKEN@" value="${my.bin.dir}/foo.exe"/>

When executed from a basedir of D:\foo\bar\frog (set by ant), my program outputs: 
"I am about to Runtime.exec(D:foobarfrog/deploy/bin/foo.exe)"  (broken)

If my foo.properties has

"I am about to Runtime.exec(D:\foo\bar\frog\deploy\bin\foo.exe)" (success)

I saw the <pathconvert> task, but it was not clear to me that one could pathconvert 
ant properties (even though a property specifies a path).

This brings up another point:  I would like to use ant to do "cross platform 
deployment" by using an NT machine to do builds (and path configuration) for UNIX 
boxes.  If I were to do an "% ant release -Dosname=AIX" on an NT machine, all the File 
instances created by ant should come out as /

Is it possible to tell ant to "use UNIX paths" instead of the system default?

I am currently considering a custom ant task to munge all the Project properties-  if 
run as a dependency of all other tasks, it could convert all the \ to / in the ant 
properties.  Java File objects seem ok with / as a file separator even on Windows 
machines, so I think this will be ok.


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