On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 10:24:36AM -0700, Das, Kuntal wrote:
> Hi all,
>       I'm trying not exclude directory structure being compiled, and
> instead use a compiled jar file of that directory structure. Here's the
> sample build.xml file which I'm trying to compile : 
> <target name="build_wml" depends="testParam, init">
>       <javac srcdir="${build.dir}"
>               destdir="${build.dir}"
> classpath="${build.dir};${build.dir}/oui.jar;
Turn these around so javac will find the jar (with the compiled classes) before
it will find the .java files to put in the dependency graph which it will


I think that should work.

You can try with a simple manual javac from the command line as well (after
setting the correct CLASSPATH).

Thomas Zander                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                 We are what we pretend to be

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