No. It works for me, and my target is just:

        <jspc srcdir="${jsp.dir}" destdir="${}"
            <include name="**/*.jsp" />

By the way, I should add "works for me" means that jsp compilation is
successful, not that it achieves my goal, which is pre-compilation for
deployment to Tomcat. jspc doesn't translate the files to the names
Tomcat wants, so it can't use the class files anyway.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sonnek, Ryan [mailto:Ryan.Sonnek@;] 
> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:27 PM
> To: 'Ant Users List'
> Subject: RE: jspc with taglib
> yes, and jspc runs just fine normally untill i decided to add 
> a tag library to my jsp page.  i only run my pages through a 
> compiler to check for syntax errors, otherwise i normally 
> just deploy the war file.  after i added the taglibs, the tag 
> works on the deployed war, but if i run it through jspc it fails.
> any ideas?

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