
I found that Ant does not properly load classes sometimes. Here is one
of the script:

 <target name="deploy_ws" depends="deploy">
   <echo message="writing Axis at url:${url}  wsdd:${wsdd} " />
   <java classname="org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient"
         <arg value="-l ${url}"/>
         <arg value="${wsdd}"/>     
        <pathelement location="./lib/axis.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="./lib/commons-logging.jar"/>

                <pathelement location="./lib/dom.jar"/>
   <!--   <fileset dir="lib">
         <include name="**/*.jar"/>

        <pathelement location="./lib/log4j-1.2.4.jar"/>                
                <pathelement location="./lib/jaxrpc.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="./lib/saaj.jar"/>               
                <pathelement location="./lib/tt-bytecode.jar.jar"/>

        <pathelement location="./lib/commons-logging.jar"/>            
                <pathelement location="./lib/wsdl4j.jar"/>       
        <pathelement location="./lib/axis.jar"/>           

The error I encountered:" ClassNotFound Error for org.w3c.dom. ..." .  I
have tried to use different methods, from speifying the jar file one by
one or use fileset  Any idea how to solve this? 

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