On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 09:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to emulate the behaviour of anthill (certain anthill/PVCS limitations have forced this on us) which maintains a version file. The <script> merely opens a file and creates properties for an oldVersion and newVersion. The script is generic and is called via. "anttask" by several build files.
It works something like this ..
1) the versioned file is checked out with the rest of the source.
2) the version number is read (using <script> and newVersion assigned)
And the file is updated here, I'm assuming. Why do you need <script> to read a property file? I guess to increment it. How about using <propertyfile> to do this instead?

Since you already have a properties file where this information is being stored then you now already have a mechanism to "pass" the information back to the calling build file. Right?

A couple of Ant features that might come in handy are the <buildnumber> task and the 'prefix' attribute of <property file="..."/> which can help keep properties segregated into "namespaces".


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