On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 16:48:30 +0100
Rob Evans <r...@nosc.ja.net> wrote:
> > so... exam...@gmail.com sends an email to mich...@blacknight.com
> > who bounces - "no such user"
> > Gmail sends bounce to exam...@gmail.com --- blacknight.com --
> > technical read error / technical failure blacknight.com
> Isn't this more likely to be a bug or a mishandled error rather
> than malevolence?
i wish it was, but I do not think that it is as Gmail is non responsive
on the issue - after receiving full headers and complaints from
numerous of their own users and over longer than a week and,
additionally, it is still ongoing.

If it was a bug or a technical issue: The current searchable forums
clearly explain where google used this custom/closed/cryptic error,
as Suresh correctly stated, it is a message when the packet is dropped
off before termination and it also is an error from google apps related
to when the connection is dropped on SPF failure, etc.

This is not external -> Gmail, but Gmail to external -> Gmail to Gmail

If there is network connectivity issues between google servers it only
happens when dnsbl or 550 bounce, etc is received for when Google

too much coincidence and over too much time - so, my opinion right now
is that this is abuse, it is evil and it is simply to avoid
responsibility for handling abuse and then to reflect this same failure
on the very victims that is refusing to receive their abuse.

sofar - nobody has said anything to the contrary?


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