On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 15:50:14 +0100
Richard Clayton <rich...@highwayman.com> wrote:
> >Incase anyone receives weird NON RFC bounces, from @gmail.com
> >customers saying:
> >Technical details of permanent failure: 
> >read error: generic::failed_precondition: read error (0): error
> >What this means is:
> >Google Inc does REPLACE the "Blocked for abuse / spam /scams /
> >phish / virus / spyware messages from the various filters
> >and sens a cryptic non RFC message to their users implying that the
> >receivers email server is broken in some way....
> >This is truly EVIL of Google to do...
> >As they, Google are the ones sending PHISH / VIRUS/ SCAMS / SPAM!
> >
> >Example: @
> >http://www.scammed.by/scam.php?id=185816
> This is a complex example involving an email delivered to a gmail
> account and forwarded from there to Yahoo
> I cannot see "failed_precondition" anywhere on that page at all :-(
> is simply one of the many google IP numbers currently
listed for spam, phish, virus and other abuse...

I have headers for the gmail bounce message: "read error:
generic::failed_precondition: read error (0): error"  and I seriously
doubt if gmail would try to deny this bounce - as I do not have one,
but many many headers of many many different google ip numbers.

So, it is not a discussion about whether this is happening or about what
is happening - but a discussion about what it means that it is

Simply: What it means is that Google is not returning emails with any
acceptable bounce message but choosing to bounce emails with cryptic
custom messages that IMPLY that the receiver email servers are somehow

This has serious implications for everyone that is not gmail as gmail
does not accept resposibility for their abuse, does not repair or fix
their abuse timerously BUT instead bounce and point the finger at their

This serves to INCREASE their monopoly as well as HURT smaller hosts -
we lost three customers today, because of EVIL Google.

And, you may say, well so what - but wait until this happens to you as
this action actually serves to steal our small amount of customers who
now employ / pay the same people that abused us in the first place.

Not nice. Not ethical. Not fair. EVIL. 




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