
On 11/08/2016 20:44, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> In message <>, 
> Brian Nisbet <> wrote:
>> Ronald,
>> It's possible nobody here can (although I wouldn't want to speak for
>> everyone). Those questions should more properly be directed towards the
>> RIPE NCC, or, more likely, the RIPE NCC Executive Board, all of whom are
>> lovely people.
>> The latter can be reached at
>> I'm happy to pass this query on on your behalf?
> Yesssss!  Please do pass my questions, as you think appropriate, to the
> Executive Board.  I really do think that if the questions are sent to
> them by you, in your capacity as chair of this group, you'd have a lot
> better chance of getting both a complete answer and... just as importantly...
> a *timely* answer than if the questions just came to The Board from some
> non-dues-paying Yankee interloper, e.g. me.
> As always, thanks a lot Brian.

I've passed them on now. I'm travelling myself over the next few weeks,
but I'll try to keep the group updated on any answers.


Brian Nisbet, Network Operations Manager
HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Registered in Ireland, no 275301  tel: +35316609040  fax: +35316603666

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