In message <>, 
"Sascha Luck [ml]" <> wrote:

>I am also somewhat worried about the possible fall-out for the
>members if the NCC were to be found to have acted incorrectly and
>be liable for the damages to the business of a member that was
>shut down...

I only wish that I had a dollar for every time I had heard this
exact lame excuse from some ISP who I had asked to disconnect a
spammer over the past 20 years.  If I did, I'd have enough money
to run for President.

This excuse isn't as popular now as it was in the old days, but one
often used to get messages from ISPs saying "Oh, gee, we literally
CAN'T unplug that spammer, because we have a contract, and he might
sue us!"

(Yea, yea, yea.   Tell it to the hand.)

Simple solution:  Stop being an idiot and write better contracts.

Every contract has some "out" clauses... you know like force majure,
etc. etc., etc.

If RIPE cannot afford or cannot find an attorney with sufficient
skill to draft and include such "outs" I can refer it to some
excellent practioners with emminently modest rates.


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