In message <>, 
Erik Bais <> wrote:

>So if we want the Executive board to do something like this, this needs to
>go to the GM.

I have no reason to doubt that.

It is still, I believe,. within the prerogative of this WG to pass a non-
binding resolution -recommending- that the GM take up the matter, and that
it accept the proposal.  Would you agree?

I ask the Chair for clarification.

>I would also like it if you would refrain from making ANY comments about
>the WWII and apologize to the people on the list.

My apologies.  I confess that I utterly negelected to consider the possibility
that some in Europe might be extremely sensitive about a reference to a
well-documented historical event which, I hoped, everyone might at least
be familiar with, even if it only occurred in a time before even most of
your parents were born.

I will attempt to remedy that mistake by making my point while using a rather
different European historical reference...

   Facts are facts, and a hijack is a hijack.  That cannot be denied, any
   more than can the fact that there was a revolution in France in 1789.

My hope is that this may be a more palatable restatement of my original point,
but I am certainly willing and able to give it another try, as may be either
appropriate or necessary, and to remove my historical references back even
a few more centuries in order to insure that I do not unduly oppress the
sensitivities of anyone here who may be a distant descendent of a French
royalist.  (My only concern is that some here might not be adequately
acquainted with the Battle of Thermopylae and/or other and even more distant
references which I might summon to the task at hand.)


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