
Two (broad) things to address, while, of course, noting that I would ask you 
all to assume best intent in all of your fellow working group members. And to 
post as politely as possible yourself!

I have, repeatedly, pointed out that all of the emails are being read by the 
Co-Chairs and the RIPE PDO. Short messages of support or +1s are noted and 
considered, but this is not a vote. I think I've said that twice now, hopefully 
the third time will be enough. We have also read the opinions of people about 
this, however the original statement remains unchanged. If, at the appropriate 
points, anyone in the working group feels the Co-Chairs have erred in our 
decision regarding consensus, then there is an appeals process. 

RIPE 710 covers the whole PDP and section 4 specifically covers appeals -

On the general awareness of the policy, the announcement on 2019-03 was posted 
to the Policy Announce list and to Routing-WG in addition to here. It has also 
been raised in a few other locations. Given where we are right now in the 
initial Discussion Phase and the plans by the authors to produce a v2.0 of the 
document, I would strongly suggest (but note that it is not certain) that 
nothing will have been decided by RIPE 78, when even more people will become 
aware. If people choose not to join the mailing list nor use the RIPE Forum to 
participate, then there is little the AA-WG can do.

So please, especially given all the nice things people have said about the 
Co-Chairs, and thank you for that, can you trust that we are both seeing all of 
the messages and treating them as stated, and if you don't agree, there is a 
process by which you can express this, rather than all going back and forth 
again here.

You can also always contact the Co-Chairs directly on


Co-Chair, RIPE AA-WG

Brian Nisbet 
Service Operations Manager
HEAnet CLG, Ireland's National Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin D01 X8N7, Ireland
Registered in Ireland, No. 275301. CRA No. 20036270

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