On Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 03:15:02PM +0100, Carlos Friaças via anti-abuse-wg 
> On Tue, 1 Oct 2019, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> >There isn't a major problem with the RIPE NCC testing abuse
> >mailboxes on a purely advisory basis, but the RIPE abuse working
> >group has no authority to
> I'm sure you meant the RIPE *anti*-abuse working group :-)))

Smile, yes, but up to a point.

The group is certainly called anti-abuse, but participation is open to all
the stakeholders, so it should be safe to assume that both communities are
present and active.

In fact, it is not too uncommon to see posts from representatives of service
providers well known in the security community for knowingly providing
services to cybercrime.

This may be stating the obvious, but as far as I am concerned very little
real antiabuse work can be done here because of this reason.

furio ercolessi

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