JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via anti-abuse-wg wrote on 08/05/2020 12:07:
[Jordi] The job of the RIPE NCC is to implement the policies agreed
by the community. Different folks may consider different pieces of
all of our policies as "inappropriate" or "arbitrary"

which is fine, mostly. Subject to usual discretion of the RIPE NCC to ignore policy which is harmful to itself or others. Various board members have confirmed in the past that the RIPE NCC will not buy an island if instructed to do so by the RIPE Community.

and the goal is
to find a point in the middle, which is what we call consensus.

The goal is to try to find consensus. There's nothing in the concept of consensus about trying to find a point in the middle.

If I make a policy proposal to demand that the RIPE NCC buy an island, would it be reasonable to settle on a compromise which involved the RIPE NCC buying only half an island?

It's ok for consensus to be that a policy proposal be rejected entirely.

I believe is perfectly understandable the need to avoid using manual
forms which don't follow a single standard, which means extra work
for *everyone*.

Couple of things on this:

- if you want to standardise a mechanism for abuse reporting, then that would be useful and by all means, go ahead with that idea first. There are many forums available for doing this.

- your proposal threatens to close down RIPE NCC members if they decline to support abuse reports over email. This is unhinged.

[Jordi] The actual policy has a bigger level of micro-management, by
setting one year and not allowing the NCC to change that. I think it
is much better to explicitly allow it. One alternative, I will be
fine with that, is not define the time at all, and let the NCC to
adapt it to the needs. Would you thing this is more appropriate?

The entire policy is poorly thought-through to start with. You can't fix bad policy with minor tweaks around the edges.

[Jordi] What I'm asking here is to make sure that we have stats. I'm
not changing what is an actual practice. You can always report to
*any* RIR, what you think is wrong and if you're a good internet
citizen, you should do that.

If you're a good internet citizen, you have some moral obligation to report abuse to an internet number resources registry?

You're completely putting the cart before the horse here. The purpose of the RIRs is number resource registration.

I'm happy if you believe that my wording
is not good, and we agree on that goal, to find an alternative one.
Any suggestion?

Firstly, if you propose to collect stats about anything, you need to think about what sort of stats should be collected.

Secondly, you need to make a credible argument about why the RIPE NCC should be obliged to spend membership funds collecting these stats and why the RIPE NCC is a more appropriate vehicle for collecting these stats than other organisations which specialise in online security and abuse issues, particularly those which already collect statistics about online abuse.


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