In message 
Brian Nisbet <> wrote:

>My comments about the apnic-talk address was that I wasn't sure if that list
>was used to the kind of content, and I was worried that it might not get
>Ronald's message where it would it best for it to go...

I've looked around and frankly, the pickings, when it comes to APNIC mailing
lists, are rather on the lean/sparse side.  That region doesn't have a "abuse"
working group or mailing list.  It does have a "Routing Security" Special
Interest Group (SIG) and an associated mailing lists for that,  and you're
right, Brian, that I might have been better off to send my notice there, rather
than sending it to apnic-talk, as I did do, but then again it could be argued,
albeit a bit tongue-in-cheek, that what I posted had more to do with routing
IN-security than it did with routing security, per se.

Not that any of this matters much anyway.   As I have been infomred several
thousand times, none of the RIRs are "the Internet Police" and thus all are
utterly powerless to even so much as officially -care- about such matters.
But given the general difficulty of finding anybody anywhere who cares about
such events/schemes, I confess that I do have a tendency to just shout into
the wind and hope that someone somwhere who has the authority to act will
see what I have written, will care, and will act.


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