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August 6, 2001

"Our objection to the NATO troops deployment is
fundamental in nature. The Western alliance is not
suited to serving as a mediator for peace in
Macedonia, since it supported...the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) in the Kosovo conflict, and it did not
demand its disarmament."

MPs Revolt over Plans to Send Troops to Macedonia

HB/sms OHRID/BERLIN. A rebellion among
parliamentarians from Germany's governing parties
looks set to place a question mark over the country's
participation in a planned North Atlantic Treaty
Office mission to the former Yugoslav republic of

On Monday, representatives of the Macedonian
government and the country's ethnic Albanian minority
surprisingly broke off talks that were thought to have
been aimed at putting the finishing touches to a peace
deal. Reports from the Macedonian town of Ohrid, where
the talks were being held, suggest that the Macedonian
government unexpectedly made fresh demands to which
the Albanian representatives could not agree. 

But preparations are continuing for a mission of 3,000
NATO troops to help disarm the ethnic Albanian rebels
who have taken control of parts of northern Macedonia.
The mission NATO spokesman Barry Johnson said the
first soldiers could start to be stationed within the
republic within 48 hours of an agreement. 

The participation of German troops in the mission will
have to be ratified by the Bundestag (lower house of
parliament) at a special session. Government spokesman
Uwe-Karsten Heye said no date had as yet been set for
the session. 

But so far some 28 Bundestag members from Germany's
main governing party, the Social Democrats (SPD), have
voiced their intention to vote against the country's
involvement in the mission. They look set to be joined
by up to seven members from the junior coalition
partner, the environmentalist Greens. And the
center-right Christian Democrat-led opposition parties
have said they will oppose German involvement on
financial grounds. 

SPD parliamentarian Harald Friese, who initiated the
rebellion, told Handelsblatt: "Our rejection of the
NATO troops deployment is fundamental in nature. The
Western alliance is not suited to serving as a
mediator for peace in Macedonia, since it supported
the (ethnic Albanian) Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in
the Kosovo conflict, and it did not demand its

Macedonia borders the autonomous Yugoslav province of
Kosovo, from which thousands of ethnic Albanians were
displaced as a result of the conflict with Serbian
forces that culminated in a Nato intervention in 1999.

The parliamentary SPD's expert on foreign policy, Gert
Weisskirchen, stressed that KLA disarmament is a
precondition for a NATO deployment. This was also
stressed by Greens parliamentarian Angelika Beer, who
expressed doubt as to whether the KLA would ever
actually meet this condition. 

Weisskirchen, meanwhile, was more upbeat, saying
despite the rebellion from within the government's own
ranks, he's still sure that parliament will approve
German involvement in a NATO mission. He suggested
that some of the rebels were not yet aware that NATO
troops would be entering Macedonia at the request of
both sides in the conflict. 

 HANDELSBLATT, Montag, 06. August 2001

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