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Tuesday August 14, 5:02 PM

Fighting flares in Macedonia before NATO experts
SKOPJE, Aug 14 (AFP) - 
Fighting erupted again in Macedonia Tuesday ahead of
the arrival of NATO experts to prepare for an
intervention force to disarm ethnic Albanian
guerrillas under a fragile peace accord.

Army sources told AFP that rebel gunmen had attacked
government positions in the hills north of the mainly
ethnic Albanian city of Tetovo and that grenades had
been fired at troops based north of the capital

Government troops returned fire, a military source
said. There were no reports of casualties during the

The fighting put a peace accord, signed by party
leaders Monday, under pressure.

The NATO experts -- expected later Tuesday -- were to
prepare for a 3,500 strong force which could deploy
within days to set up collection points for ethnic
Albanian rebels to surrender their arms, NATO
officials said.

NATO Secretary General George Robertson said the
advisers would reinforce officers already working with
Macedonian forces to prepare "Operation Essential

He said NATO troops are to be deployed in Macedonia
while the government enacted measures to address
complaints by the large ethnic Albanian minority that
they are treated like second-class citizens.

The reforms will recognise Albanian as a second
official language in those areas predominantly
inhabited by ethnic Albanians, boost the number of
ethnic Albanians serving in their local police forces
and give more autonomy to local government.

While the rebels were not represented at the
negotiating table, commanders of the so-called
National Liberation Army (NLA) have signalled that
they accept the peace terms, and were considering
laying down their arms.

"The NLA accepts the peace accord," Captain Shpati, a
rebel spokesman, told AFP by telephone, adding that a
decision on whether to hand over NLA weapons to the
planned NATO force would be made within two weeks.

"The signature of the peace accord represents a
victory against Macedonian repression. It's the result
of international pressure," Shpati said.

The NATO force will not be peacekeepers, and will
limit their role to accepting weapons voluntarily
handed over by the guerrillas, officials said. It will
not go in until there is a "durable" ceasefire,
Robertson said. 

Robertson said that the NATO force would not be
deployed until alliance members were convinced that
the rebels, who have met with NATO envoys, were ready
to back down without a fight.

"Clearly there has to be a sustainable ceasefire,
there has to be a clear indication from the insurgents
that they mean business in terms of disarming
completely and handing over all their weapons and all
their ammunition," Robertson said.

The signing came a week after some of the fiercest
fighting yet seen in the Macedonian forces' six-month
struggle with ethnic Albanian guerrillas, and few in
Skopje were betting on a rapid return to peace.

The peace accord was signed in the presence of
Robertson, Solana, the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) chairman Mircea Geoana
and Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel, whose
country now holds the rotating EU presidency.

The guerrillas launched a rebellion in February over
what they say is a fight for minority rights for
ethnic Albanians, who make up around a third of the
former Yugoslav republic's population of two million.

Boskovski said that as the deal was being signed
rebels attacked troops in northwest Macedonia near the
mainly ethnic Albanian town of Tetovo and that
government forces repulsed an attack coming over the
border from Albania.

Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain, which is
providing the bulk of the planned NATO intervention
force, said: "Once NATO conditions have been met,
NATO's forces, led by the UK, will deploy rapidly".

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