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But unlike his predecessors, from the stately Henry
Kissinger to the fun-loving Madeleine Albright, the
retired general and former chairman of the joint
chiefs of staff has taken a uniquely military approach
to his campaign. 
"I might be back to you for an ad budget one of these
days," Powell said, smiling and offering "Be All You
Can Be at Embassy Bogota" as a possible slogan for the

Friday August 17, 6:34 AM

State Department launches flashy recruitment drive for
diplomatic "troops"
In a bid to boost its ranks with the best and the
brightest, the State Department on Thursday launched a
flashy new recruitment drive, promising would-be
diplomats "the opportunity of a lifetime" on the
"front lines of diplomacy."

"The opportunity of a lifetime is out there,"
spokesman Philip Reeker said, urging aspiring foreign
policy makers to register to take the US Foreign
Service Examination next month, the first step in
joining the diplomatic corps.

"We invite individuals interested in experiencing a
global lifestyle and making a difference in the world
to register and take the foreign service exam in the
United States," he told reporters during the
department's internationally televised daily news

Reeker's pitch came after months of hints from
Secretary of State Colin Powell that he intends to
make recruitment of highly-qualified personnel --
particularly minorities -- one of his top priorities,
and to use high-tech and military-style techniques in
his quest.

The announcement followed the recent unveiling of a
new high-tech website (
which, replete with fancy graphics and catchy phrases,
offers recruits the chance to "be the face of America
to the world."

Such advertising techniques have been all but unknown
at the State Department, which for years languished
with a recruitment budget of only 70,000 dollars,
according to officials.

"Welcome to the front lines of diplomacy!" blares the
heading of a message to websurfers from Powell, who,
like his predecessors, has sought to improve the
quality, morale and pay of US diplomats.

But unlike his predecessors, from the stately Henry
Kissinger to the fun-loving Madeleine Albright, the
retired general and former chairman of the joint
chiefs of staff has taken a uniquely military approach
to his campaign.

"Freedom needs not only a guardian but also an
advocate," Powell says in the message, arguing that
"no function of our government is more important to
out national life than the conduct of our foreign

"We are the frontline troops, often the only
consistent contact other people of the world have with
America, the motive force for freedom and democracy in
the world," he says.

Powell began to speak of his desire to improve the
State Department's recruiting on taking office in
January and just two months later was outlining his
plans before lawmakers.

"We have to do a better job of marketing the State
Department, of selling the State Department, of
selling foreign policy ... as something that you want
to do to serve your country," he told a Congressional
budget committee.

"I'm not quite at the point where I want to do 'Be All
You Can Be Ads' like the military does, but I might
get there," Powell said, referring to a long-running
advertising campaign run by the US Army to attract

"I might be back to you for an ad budget one of these
days," Powell said, smiling and offering "Be All You
Can Be at Embassy Bogota" as a possible slogan for the


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