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The fact that NATO has purposefully grossly underestimated the number of weapons to be collected from the US-trained and equipped Albanian terrorists in Macedonia proves that this organization is acting in connivance with the UCK.

NATO sources claim that there are between 2,300 and 2,500 weapons to be collected under Operation Essential Harvest, in which 3,500 NATO troops are expected to disarm the Albanian terrorists within 30 days, despite one Albanian faction having stated that it does not respect the ceasefire discussed in Ohrid and signed in Skopje between the Macedonian authorities and the UCK.

The Macedonian government stated on Wednesday that the number of light weapons was far higher and that it was in the region of 6,000 to 8,000, substantially higher than NATO’s claims.

Yesterday, the Macedonian Foreign Minister, Ilinka Mitreva, stated that NATO’s figures of 2,500 weapons collected would not be enough to disarm the Albanian terrorists and that she was convinced the Albanian attacks on Macedonian government forces would continue if substantially more weapons were not collected.

Meanwhile, the Macedonian Interior Ministry stated that the Albanians hold some 85,000 weapons.

Should the NATO operation fail and should the Albanians continue to attack Macedonian government interests, what will the position of NATO be? Bombing Tirana from an altitude of 10 km.?

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