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The truth, where NATO is concerned, is always difficult to find because it is hidden and distorted. Tampering with evidence, threats, concealing facts, bullying, huge under-the-table payouts in cash all serve the same purpose. But there were witnesses. Not all were silenced.
Open a western newspaper and you will find stories of “bodies” being transported hundreds of kilometres in refrigerated lorries to burial sites in Serbia, by Serbs of course. You will find stories of rape of Albanian girls – by Serbs, of course. You will read about Albanian villagers being ordered out of Kosovo – by Serbs, of course. You will be informed of the deeds of Arkan, the skulduggery of Milosevic and the heroic altruism by that saviour of Serbia, the saintly Zoran Djindjic.

You will probably not learn about the fact that Albanian women and girls sought protection from Serb soldiers in Kosovo – protection from the Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, which was selling the prettier Albanian refugees into prostitution rings in Italy and Greece. You will also be surprised to learn that there is a hidden nightmare about to be revealed in the Balkans – that of the action of the Croat forces against Serbs, Croats who were trained and equipped by the United States of America and financed by Germany. Germany’s forcing its EU partners to recognise Croatia in 1992 sparked off the civil war in the Balkans. The USA’s arming and equipping of the butchers who called themselves the Croatian Army is tantamount to responsibility for the horrors perpetrated by this collection of psychopaths.

Ethnic cleansing of Albanians in Kosovo, the massacre of 577 Albanian civilians by Serbs, the massacres of Racak and Srebrenica are all well-oiled gasps in the holier-than thou western mouthpieces which purport to call themselves news organs. What about Knin? And the Medac pocket?

To refresh the memories of those who do not know, or do not wish to remember, here are the hard facts. The Canadian government knows only too well what happened in Medac (1993) and Knin (1995) because the Canadian contingent of UN forces accompanied the Croatian armed forces there. There was documented evidence, films were taken. Garth Pritchard was the cameraman and he told his story to the Toronto Sun newspaper (2001.08.12)

“Civilians were slaughtered. Animals were castrated and shot. Farms were burned. The Krajina was ethnically cleansed of more than 185,000 human beings whose roots were there for ages” claims Pritchard, who witnessed some of the most horrific scenes any human being could imagine. He remembers images of a child’s tricycle run over by Croatian tanks, which returned to the scene to run over the body bags lined up by the Canadian troops, in Knin.

Canadian General Alain Forand was officer in command of the Canadian contingent in Krajina when the Croatian armed forces followed the orders of their US advisors and ploughed through the weak Serb defences, displacing nearly 200,000 Serb civilians, those who were not slaughtered. They had to contend with scenes such as an elderly Serb lady, her eye torn out by shrapnel, holding her dead husband and refusing to leave his side as the Croats launched another mortar attack against their farm. Forand protected as many civilians as he could and the men under his command, to give them their due, did their best, even lying over civilians during mortar attacks to protect them from shrapnel.

Meanwhile, the United Nations classified the Serb civilians as “displaced persons” and ordered them to be handed over to the Croats. This despite the evidence of massacres of civilians by the US-backed Croatians. “An old woman sprawled in an ancient car, her body riddled by a machine-.gun, the bodies of a family of farmers, thrown down the farm’s well...I documented much of this. The National Film Board and CBC refused any part of it”, claims Pritchard.

Knin hospital. Serb patients thrown out of windows. Bodies piled high on the basement floor. No comment.

When the stories of the atrocities started to leak, enormous sums of cash started to appear as a frantic cover-up began. This would ruin the demonology carefully planned and nurtured for a gullible public, used to decades of lies, about how horrible the Serbs were. After all, were these people not Slavs, just like the Russians who ate babies during Soviet times?

A Canadian who worked for the UN, who asked to remain unnamed, told of huge sums of cash paid to him by Croats for certain favours. The United Nations had to clear mines from roads. They used tanks, mines exploded and Croatian roads were destroyed. Huge sums were then paid by the UN in cash to local Croatian dignitaries. UN troops were billeted in destroyed buildings. Huge sums were paid to the Croatian owners, in cash. UN helicopters landed at Croatian airports. Enormous cash sums were handed over for landing rights. Monthly meetings, huge brown envelopes exchanged stuffed full of crispy-clean USD. Parties, wine, women and song, rivers of money exchanging hands.

Cash. To buy the silence of those who knew the truth and to pull strings to cover it up. Five days after the atrocities in the Krajina, everything was cleared up, the roads repaired and traffic signs painted, in Latinitsa (Croatian script), the bodies in Knin hospital gone, the hospital functioning normally, evidence of the unspeakable war crimes disappeared.

What happened to the footage shot by the cameraman? The National Film Board of Canada forced him to hand it over to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, without his being officially legally bound to do so. There is therefore no paperwork recognising the fact that such footage exists, if it has not already been destroyed. Evidence of war crimes committed by Croats, equipped and trained by Americans and financed by Germans is missing. But it happened.

As for Carla del Ponte’s War Crimes Tribunal, that travesty of international justice, a massive and unsightly carbuncle on the face of the world’s legal systems, Croats are turning themselves in because any evidence condemning them of war crimes has been destroyed. Major General Rahim Ademi, who led the Croatian forces’ onslaught against Krajina, gave himself up on 2001.07.26, declaring that he had a clear conscience.

Behind the United Nations missions in the Balkans was NATO. NATO started the conflict in the Balkans because it needed an excuse to perpetuate itself. It needed to justify its existence because too many high-placed people depended financially on this outdated and useless organization. NATO decided that there had to be a hero and an anti-hero, just like all the Hollywood films, carefully tailored for public consumption.
The guy in the black hat was Serbia, Slavic, connected to Russia, the chance to have a final jab at the Soviets, since that much-sought-after war never materialised while Russia was strong enough to fight back. The guy in the white hat...the hero of the plot...was he a Bosnian Moslem, a Croat or a member of the UCK?

PRAVDA.Ru http://english.pravda.ru/main/2001/08/24/13221.html
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