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[Via Communist Internet... ]
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Edward Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 4:08 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Man Gets Ten Years for Using Search Engine, Fax Machine


Jim Bell Sentenced To Ten Years In Prison and Lifelong Poverty
SierraTimes Exclusive 08.26.01

Hi. We're from the Government.
We're here to help.

Photo from
On Friday August 24 Jim Bell, author of Assassination Politics was 
sentenced to 10 years in prison on one count of interstate stalking of a 
federal agent and one count of "using facilities of interstate commerce 
(i.e., a fax machine) for interstate stalking" by Federal Ninth District 
Judge Jack E. Tanner.

During his trial, Bell had argued that he was using widely available means 
to investigate the backgrounds of IRS and ATF agents. Judge Tanner was not 
persuaded; he sentenced Bell to the maximum possible time allowable under 
US Code 18:2261.

After a flurry of motions to dismiss the case for reasons varying from 
judicial prejudice to fraud by the court were denied, Bell's attorney 
Robert Leen addressed the pre-sentencing report. A normal practice in 
federal trials and many state criminal trials, the pre-sentencing report 
recommends a sentence depending on a number of factors. A defendant is 
assigned a "level" based on the crime and this level is adjusted upward if 
other factors are present. Leen argued that the factors that were applied 
were inappropriate or not present.

Two of the factors might be of specific interest to Sierra Times readers. 
Using internet search engines to find the addresses of federal agents was 
considered a "special skill" which the majority of people don't reasonably 
possess. Although Leen pointed out that even his five-year-old could access 
a search engine and this was hardly demonstrative of a special skill, this 
argument was lost on the judge who had previously demonstrated an almost 
total lack of knowledge in the area during the trial.

The other factor was that Bell showed no remorse over authoring 
Assassination Politics. Several times both the prosecutor and judge 
mentioned, in a style redolent of Soviet courts, that Bell hadn't" 
recanted" his essay, and therefore needed to be imprisoned "for the safety 
of the public."

Leen argued that Bell's actions were far from the equivalent of the type of 
crimes that merit sentences of five years, such as "selling five kilos of 
cocaine." Tanner didn't buy that. He said that he did not see Assassination 
Politics as protected speech, and that it was equivalent to "yelling fire 
in a crowded theater."

Leen pointed out that the stalking went both ways; and that the statute 
under which Bell had been tried was not designed for someone trying to 
expose government conspiracy. Leen added that Bell had committed no 
terrible act, and that the prosecution was clearly practicing prior 
constraint. (The judge would essentially confirm this during his statement 
immediately before sentencing.) Leen insisted that his client was "just 
mouthing off," but that this was not cause for imposing 120 months of 

Leen also pointed out that agents are paid to tolerate some level of abuse 
because of their jobs, but Tanner countered with questions about whether 
they had to put up with abuse outside of their official duties, and whether 
they should be exposing their families to more risk simply because they 
choose to work for the government. (This goes against Tanner's stand in the 
trial that agents deserved special protection over and above what ordinary 
citizens should be accorded.)

Jim Bell was given an opportunity to address the court. In a wavering voice 
that became more firm as he spoke, Bell claimed that he was merely 
researching the stalking against himself, which he believed to be illegal 
and improper surveillance. He said that he was doing "what a private 
investigator or a police officer is hired to do" and that "our society has 
forgotten that we have a right to do this."

Bell highlighted the mutual dislike that so palpably exists between him and 
the judge, stating that the judge was retaliating because of a competency 
complaint that Bell filed against Tanner with the state bar. (Bell has kept 
up a barrage of filings since his April trial; in July he filed suit 
against Tanner and a number of other people, charging that they conspired 
to deny him a fair trial in April.)

Bell argued that the sentencing level should be reduced because he did 
"accept responsibility" for the crime of stalking, an argument that 
prosecutor London later claimed was false because Bell hadn't recanted his 
essay. (Thus London indicated that much of the real crime was refusing to 
publicly recant political speech.) Bell also claimed that he shouldn't be 
sentenced on the stalking charges anyway, since he never made physical 
contact with IRS agent Jeff Gordon.

Prosecutor Robb London took his opportunity to address the court. Saying 
that Bell's actions deserved a "severe amount of time," London disagreed 
with Bell's characterization of his conduct. London stated that the real 
cause of Bell's initial prosecution was "Operation Locate IRS"-not Bell's 
reaction to the infiltration by IRS agents of the Multnomah County Common 
Law Court and the Clark County Libertarian Party.

London said that imprisoning Bell was a "public safety issue," that Bell 
was stopped before he could get further. "How do these people know if he's 
a trigger man or if some misguided fool isn't going to try to knock off 
somebody based on some program on the internet?" London asked.

London went on to claim that the IRS had been so concerned about Jim Bell 
that they had started surveillance in April, 2000, although in testimony, 
IRS agents claimed that they did not. During the trial, Bell's testimony 
that he believed that he was under surveillance was ridiculed by the 
prosecution, yet at the sentencing hearing, London claims that there was 
indeed surveillance and complained bitterly about having to devote 
government resources to physical surveillance and monitoring of the 
Internet. London did not explain the inconsistencies between what he was 
claiming in the sentencing hearing and the government witnesses' testimony 
in April.

London also said that Bell should be sentenced to the full amount of time 
because he told people on the cypherpunks mailing list that a solution to 
asset forfeiture of a vehicle might be to spread a small quantity of PCBs 
in the car; and that Bell had lied on the financial affidavit to the court 
to obtain legal counsel. (There is no question that Bell had lied; he had a 
small stock fund which another journalist calculated to be around $24,000, 
and a several-year old car. While this was much less than the actual legal 
cost of the case, Bell is required to spend down all of his assets before 
using a court-appointed attorney.)

Before sentencing, Judge Tanner asked if victims (plural) Gordon and McNall 
wanted to speak. McNall couldn't be classified as a victim-the jury failed 
to convict Bell on the charge of stalking McNall. But the Judge seemed to 
be oblivious to that. Both declined, but London pointed out that victim 
impact statements had been filed.

Tanner than pronounced sentence: five years on each count, 3 years 
probation, and $10,200 in fines. Tanner also imposed a long list of 
conditions that will have a serious impact on Bell's future financial life 
and capability to make a living once he's released.
Edward   ><+>

"In politics, there are two kinds of people: those who wish to control 
others and those who wish to remain free. The only means by which the 
former may reign over the latter is by deception and force; by deluding 
those who enjoy God-given personal liberty into accepting empty promises of 
security, elaborate schemes of dependence and the propaganda of 
divisiveness. Not until the majority become enslaved by the 'compassionate 
lie' will the shackles of oppression be applied without resistance."

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