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Pyongyang, August 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary accuses the U.S. council, on foreign relations, an institute for
the study of diplomatic policy, of recently making much fuss about the
DPRK's "access to nuclear weapons." Those with a blacked-hearted intention
are apt to pull up others, it says, and goes on: The U.S. rakes its brain to
make the DPRK's "access to nuclear weapons" a fait accompli in a bid to
justify its "proposal for the resumption of conditional negotiations" and
shift the responsibility for the deadlocked and delayed DPRK-U.S. talks on
to it. 
By doing so, the U.S. seeks to divert other countries' attention to the
DPRK and avert the world's watchful eyes that focused on the U.S.
The U.S has stockpiled hundreds of tons of plutonium for producing
nuclear weapons. There are over 20,000 nuclear warheads in the U.S.
Not content with this, the U.S intends to modernize the facilities for
producing nuclear weapons and produce and deploy more nukes with a budget of
5 billion dollars spread over 10 years to come.
It is the U.S. which is threating other countries with nukes.
The U.S. is browbeating the DPRK with nuclear weapons massively deployed
in and around South Korea.
The Korean people are exposed to nuclear threat no matter where U.S.
nukes are deployed. The U.S. is technically at war with the DPRK.
That is why the DPRK is facing a constant U.S. nuclear threat.
The commentary warns: If the U.S. persistently goes in for nuclear
confrontation, the DPRK will be left with no option but to take a

[Via Communist Internet... ]

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