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[To the new model, though, the Balkans are in fact
worth the life of a Pomeranian grenadier. And more.
But then certain military refinements have occurred in
Germany since Blut und Eisen's time.
The war-mad super-militarist Fischer - note - always
and everywhere promotes the role of NATO, never the UN
or even the EU as guarantor of alleged peace in the
If someone had regained consciousness after being in a
coma for ten years and awoke to this - that an
aggressive and expanding military bloc without any
pretense of an adversary to defend itself against had
become *the* uncontested political force in Europe and
beyond - what would that person's response be?
Assuming he or she was sane?] 

Wednesday August 29, 8:17 PM
German FM urges sending troops to help prevent civil
war in Macedonia
BERLIN, Aug 29 (AFP) - 
Germany's parliament is expected to give strong
support Wednesday for sending German troops to join
NATO's arms collection operation in Macedonia after
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer gave assurances that
the mission would be kept to "prevention, not
Fischer told parliament that there would be "no
mission creep" beyond the 30-day mandate for the
German troops and made it clear that Germany must meet
its responsibilities as a loyal NATO ally in order to
avoid civil war in Macedonia.
Opposition from both within Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder's centre-left government and from
conservatives to the mission had threatened to hand
Schroeder a setback ahead of general elections next
But promises of extra money for it defused the
opposition and cleared the way for what is expected to
be a vote later Wednesday of broad backing for the
"Prevention not peacekeeping is our task in
Macedonia," Fischer told the lower house, the
Bundestag. "On today's decision depends whether
developments in Macedonia turn towards war or peace,"
he addded.
Fischer said that while NATO troops had brought an end
to war in Bosnia and Kosovo, they were trying to stop
a full-scale one from breaking out in Macedonia by
disarming ethnic Albanian rebels.
Addressing concerns expressed not only by the
conservative opposition but even by some in
Schroeder's Social Democrat (SPD) party and in the
junior coalition partner the Greens, Fischer
maintained: "There will be no mission creep," in the
NATO deployment.
He said there was a threat of civil war in Macedonia
between government forces and ethnic Albanian rebels
that could have unforseen consequences for the
The "only exit strategy from the crisis" is the
long-term commitment of European nations to the peace
process, Fischer said.
Former defense minister Volker Ruehe, speaking for the
opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU), told
parliament that the NATO mandate for the deployment
was "unusually weak and not really honest, and this is
something our soldiers should know."
Ruehe said the soldiers would probably be in Macedonia
longer than 30 days and would probably not be able to
count on the peaceful and full cooperation of both
It was not clear if the government would get a
majority from its SPD and Greens parties as some 20
Social Democrat deputies and five Greens may vote
against the deployment.
But with the decision Tuesday of the opposition
Christian Union parties to support the deployment the
outcome is not in doubt.
CDU chief Angela Merkel's decision was a sharp
turnaround from her previous stand against deployment.
Political analysts said it had diminished her stature
as the conservative leader, especially since she had
been taking her party against its long-standing
position of close ties to the West and loyalty to
Schroeder has promised to increase funding for the
mission from 120 million marks to 148 million marks
(74 million euros, 68 million dollars) in response to
complaints that the intervention would put too heavy a
burden on the defence budget.

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