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Gunmen Fire at U.S. Peacekeepers 
By Fisnik Abrashi
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2001; 6:48 a.m. EDT
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia –– Gunmen fired shots at U.S.
peacekeepers during a military operation to detain
suspected ethnic Albanian rebels entering Kosovo from
Macedonia, the NATO-led peacekeeping force said
Wednesday. No one was injured. 
The gunfire erupted Tuesday night when someone hiding
in a wooded area where the peacekeepers were on patrol
shouted "NATO, NATO, help!," said Maj. Randy Martin,
spokesman for U.S. peacekeepers in Kosovo. 
"When one of our sergeants stood up, there were
several bursts of rifle fire," Martin said. He said
the soldiers returned fire and the suspects fled the
None of the peacekeepers was injured in the incident,
which happened in the village of Gornje Zlokucane,
about 30 miles southeast of Pristina, near the border
with Macedonia. It was unclear who the gunmen were,
Martin said. 
U.S. peacekeepers detained 32 suspected rebels in the
same area Tuesday night. The suspects, who were
traveling in two groups, were sent to a detention
facility at Camp Bondsteel, the main U.S. base in
Kosovo, spokesman Howard Rhoades said. 
Peacekeepers have detained about 800 suspected rebels
since border patrols were stepped up in mid-June.
About 170 remain detained at Bondsteel, and the rest
have been handed over to U.N. police, Martin said. 
Some of the suspected rebels are released once they
are screened and determined not to pose a security
threat in Kosovo, he said. 
As NATO's mission to collect weapons surrendered
voluntarily by ethnic Albanian rebels in Macedonia
began early this week, many insurgents headed for
Kosovo, a predominantly ethnic Albanian province of
Peacekeepers said most of the rebels appear to have
left their weapons and equipment in Macedonia and were
headed to Kosovo after being released from duty by
their commanders. There was no sign of any large
movement of weapons from Macedonia into Kosovo,
officials said. 
Kosovo is widely believed to be a main supply and
transit route for Macedonia's ethnic Albanian rebels.
The militants took up arms in February, saying they
want more rights for their community, which accounts
for up to a third of Macedonia's population of 2
NATO's mission to collect weapons voluntarily handed
over by the rebels in Macedonia is part of a peace
plan aiming to end six months of conflict. 

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