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[This 'report' is from Transitions Online, one of
heaven knows how many newspapers and Web sites owned
by George S. throughout Eastern Europe and the world.
I would seriously doubt that he himself can remember
what he owns, except that there's very little he
doesn't, so by process of elimination....Anyway, they
can all be depended upon to toe the line.
With the billions of dollars being lavishly dished out
by the State Department, the OSCE, the National
Endowment for Democracy, the Open Society Institute
and scores of others, it's downright reassuring that
the best they can come up with are adolescent
inanities like those described below.
Enough to give one faith in the future.
"Times for changes," indeed]

posted on TOL Wire on 31 August 2001 
Happy birthday, Lukashenka! 
from Racyja 
MINSK, 30 August (Racyja)--Members of the youth
opposition organization Malady Front intended to give
incumbent Alyaksandr Lukashenka a criminal code,
tomatoes, and dried crusts for his birthday. The
action was staged near the president?s administration.
Demonstrators held orange balloons with the slogan "I
love Belarus" and a ballot-box with the inscription
"Chose another president!", in which they placed the
gifts for Lukashenka. They were recommended by
policemen to mail their presents to the president.
Meanwhile, the youth coalition "Time for changes" was
also gathering presents for Lukashenka on the Freedom
Square, including an old bed pan, a pack of crusts,
and chicken eggs. Their slogan was: "Make a present
for the dear man in the last days of his fruitful

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